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A colorful extreme display of the Israeli director. Matana MiShamayim is quite different from Kosashvili's "Late Marriage". The primitive traditional family values (Georgian in this case) are brought here some steps beyond to present a comic macabre reality. Women ie. are portrayed in the film as objects to be used in the patriarchal chauvinistic society they live in. They are ...
A colorful extreme display of the Israeli director. Matana MiShamayim is quite different from Kosashvili's "Late Marriage". The primitive traditional family values (Georgian in this case) are brought here some steps beyond to present a comic macabre reality. Women ie. are portrayed in the film as objects to be used in the patriarchal chauvinistic society they live in. They are kidnapped, threatened, locked in a closet and often molested in order to channel shame on their husbands. On the other hand, they are always the center of of attention, encompassing every aspect of desire men have, thus they can control and manipulated men, but only to a certain extent - the head of the family (played by the amazing actor Mony Moshonov).
影片讲述在种族偏见根深蒂固的美国南方小镇,白人男主人公汉克(比利·鲍勃·汤顿 饰)与黑人妇女莱茜娅(哈莉·贝瑞饰)一段纠缠在死亡与种族歧视下的爱情故事。汉克生长在极端种族主义的保守白人家庭,深受父亲影响。在父亲退休后,汉克接手负责执行死刑。在刚刚处死了一个黑人死囚后,汉克意想不到的邂逅了他的妻子莱茜娅。很快,两人坠入情网。可在种族观念保守僵化的环境下,这不可思议的命运交集,会像舞蹈般缠绵动人还是举步维艰呢?
两个年轻人无意中发现公司帐目有人搞鬼,老板为了奖励他们特别邀请他们一起到海边别墅共度周末.两人满心欢喜的到达别墅之後,发现老板被人杀害了,为了不被人冤枉他们开始隐瞒事情的真相,将老板的尸体带上墨镜及帽子,假扮成像是在渡假的人... 两人靠着老板的尸体,进出社交名流的场合,竟然都没有人发现到老板已经死掉了。全片的笑料都围绕在「死」老板身上,也藉由剧情中的笑料可以看到上流社会人情的虚伪空洞...