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When a beautiful woman, Crystal Taylor (Jenna Bodnar) meets a photographer, Drake Van Horn (Patrick Williams) whose works exhibit a strangely macabre brand of eroticism, she doesn't realize the danger in which she will place herself. She poses for him, and upon seeing the photo unwittingly makes a Dorian Gray-type pact where she will remain eternally youthful while the the pict...
在马德里,女作家贝拉(Aitana Sánchez-Gijón 饰)从情人乔迪那里听来了摄影师埃米利奥(Leonardo Sbaraglia 饰)的故事,埃米利奥作为反法西斯的战士,死在了1933年的西班牙。罹患乳腺癌的贝拉离开丈夫与情人,独自在病痛中探寻埃米利奥和妓女洛拉的往事……埃米利奥在一次舞会上邂逅洛拉,并将她带至荒凉的巴塔哥尼亚高原。为埃米利奥抛弃的洛拉无力改变境遇,只有和她相同身份的玛蒂尔德给予她些许安慰。某天,一只鲸鱼搁浅在海边,人们围绕着它,但却无能为力……贝拉在医院中惊讶的发现同一病室的老妇即是当年的玛蒂尔德,而不久后,又有一只鲸鱼搁浅,贝拉感到她和另一个女人的生命,在这一刻被联系到了一起……
An engineer moves into a bungalow on the beach next to a widow and her two boys. It's obvious that there is a spark between the two adults but it would be a dull film if everything turned out happily ever after. The older boy has a bit of an Oedipal complex and seems to really, really like his mom. Of course, that means that no other man can come and break up their "happy" fami...
A colorful extreme display of the Israeli director. Matana MiShamayim is quite different from Kosashvili's "Late Marriage". The primitive traditional family values (Georgian in this case) are brought here some steps beyond to present a comic macabre reality. Women ie. are portrayed in the film as objects to be used in the patriarchal chauvinistic society they live in. They are ...
A colorful extreme display of the Israeli director. Matana MiShamayim is quite different from Kosashvili's "Late Marriage". The primitive traditional family values (Georgian in this case) are brought here some steps beyond to present a comic macabre reality. Women ie. are portrayed in the film as objects to be used in the patriarchal chauvinistic society they live in. They are kidnapped, threatened, locked in a closet and often molested in order to channel shame on their husbands. On the other hand, they are always the center of of attention, encompassing every aspect of desire men have, thus they can control and manipulated men, but only to a certain extent - the head of the family (played by the amazing actor Mony Moshonov).
镜头聚焦在一个名叫巴德(Leigh McCormack 饰)的男孩身上,巴德很早就失去了父亲,和母亲(Marjorie Yates 饰)以及哥哥一起过着相依为命的生活。整个童年时代在巴德的回忆里都笼罩在孤独和寂寞之中,在学校里,他一个人上课,一个人发呆,一个人回家,还要是不是的提防班上强壮的男生对他的威胁和嘲笑。