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Martin is an Economy teacher, one day, he win the biggest prize given on TV: 3 million € in objects; that is to say, a new luxurious mansion, 5 cars, a yacht, a plane... But he has not the money to keep everything. He should sell something, but the greed of his wife and the thirst of money of his lawyer will make them to ask the bank for money to keep everything, which will rui...
影片改编自意大利作家、散文家、记者和翻译卢恰诺·比安恰尔迪(Luciano Bianciardi;1922年12月14日~1971年11月14日)发表于1968年的小说《讨厌的乐团》(Il complesso di Loth)。
Valérie Kaprisky and Jean-François Pichette star in this predictable story of two people, a single mom (Kaprisky) and a man (Pichette), who meet on a train going from Montreal to Vancouver, a very long ride across Canada that gives them plenty of time to become romantically involved. Viewers may find that the evolution of the romance is as obvious as the train chugging along o...
Valérie Kaprisky and Jean-François Pichette star in this predictable story of two people, a single mom (Kaprisky) and a man (Pichette), who meet on a train going from Montreal to Vancouver, a very long ride across Canada that gives them plenty of time to become romantically involved. Viewers may find that the evolution of the romance is as obvious as the train chugging along one track to its inevitable destination.
皮耶拉(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)是一位美丽的意大利演员,电影改编自她真实的童年经历。皮耶拉的母亲名叫尤金妮亚(汉娜·许古拉 Hanna Schygulla 饰),亦是美艳不可方物的女子,遗憾的是,她嫁给了一位学识渊博的教授,婚后的生活却并不幸福。
坎特拉高中这次将与死对头-水晶预备高校(Crystal Prep Academy)进行一场学校间的‘友谊竞赛’,但Sunset Shimmer与朋友们却发现人类世界的Twilight Sparkle竟是水晶预备高校的学生,过去熟悉的同伴,这一次成了竞争对手,而且她们发现,Twilight Sparkle身上似乎有个天大的秘密......
1927年,由唐·洛克伍德(吉恩·凯利 饰)和丽娜·雷蒙德(简·哈根 饰)主演的《皇家流氓》在好莱坞首映。由于丽娜刺耳的嗓音无法匹配其夺目的外貌,为了维护明星形象,宣传部只得安排唐一人讲话。首映后,由于钢琴师科斯莫·布朗(唐纳德·奥康纳 饰)的汽车爆胎,为了躲避疯狂的影迷,唐意外结识了能歌善舞的凯西·塞尔登(黛比·雷诺斯 饰),并被其深深吸引。数周后,首部有声电影《爵士歌手》爆红,唐与丽娜的新片《决斗骑士》不得不临时改变拍摄方式,而凯西也成为歌舞片演员。因预映口碑极差,科斯莫提议将《决斗骑士》改为歌舞片,由凯西为丽娜配音,凯西积极附议。与凯西吻别后,唐心花怒放,在雨中载歌载舞。科斯莫的计划能否奏效?幕后的凯西能否走到台前接受观众的掌声?