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Valérie Kaprisky and Jean-François Pichette star in this predictable story of two people, a single mom (Kaprisky) and a man (Pichette), who meet on a train going from Montreal to Vancouver, a very long ride across Canada that gives them plenty of time to become romantically involved. Viewers may find that the evolution of the romance is as obvious as the train chugging along o... (展开全部)   Valérie Kaprisky and Jean-François Pichette star in this predictable story of two people, a single mom (Kaprisky) and a man (Pichette), who meet on a train going from Montreal to Vancouver, a very long ride across Canada that gives them plenty of time to become romantically involved. Viewers may find that the evolution of the romance is as obvious as the train chugging along one track to its inevitable destination.
1963年是即將13歲的漢娜(由卡琳瓦納斯飾)的人生轉捩點。她坐在蒙特婁一家暗暗的電影院中, 第一次見到了娜娜,也就是在高達的「喚醒她的人生」一片中由安娜卡麗娜飾演的女主角。 這時候的漢娜正處於矛盾的年紀,他努力地想讓自己成為成熟的女人,卻又與父母不合,家人彼此之間充滿愛恨糾葛的情節。她的猶太裔父親(米奇馬諾喬維飾),是一個靈魂受折磨的流浪詩人,一個不懂得表達愛的人。而她的母親年紀很輕,是魁北克人。信奉天主教,經常過度疲勞。幸好漢娜還有一個她很談得來的哥哥和唯一的朋友蘿拉。在試驗性的一年即將結束之際,和娜終於明白了美麗而令人銷魂的娜娜所要傳達的訊息。她想她有責任讓自己的人生過得更美好!