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退休的火箭工程师史老先生(Henry O 饰)来到美国,看望阔别十二年之久的女儿宜兰(俞飞鸿 饰),经历了离婚的女儿近几年一直没有再婚的打算,这让史老颇为纠结。白天女儿上班时,史老试图与年轻的美国邻居交谈,但语言与文化隔阂让史老只能停留在孤独的世界里。由于工作的特殊性,史老与宜兰一直缺乏沟通,美国之行也并没能改善两人的关系,所幸史老结识了一位伊朗老妇,他们时常用生疏的英语交流,而老妇最近喜得孙子让史老两相对照之下黯然神伤。史老发现了宜兰与一位有家室的俄罗斯男子前景黯淡的交往,情急之下开口质问,才明白女儿不如意的感情生活与自己有莫大的关系……
妻子是一个含蓄保守的家庭主妇,Felix是个很有吸引力又傲慢的出租车司机,他们完全没有共同之处于是他有了一个喜欢的女人Silke,他们一起分享痛苦和快乐,在一次畅饮后,抛弃一切的烦恼和阻碍,最终一起春宵一刻,却造成了致命的后果。 Silke很快发现他怀孕了,她还是个未成年,而Felix却不想要这个孩子。 她希望留住这个婴儿,而Felix也克服了阻力决定对她和孩子负责。然而所有的困难才刚刚开始,每个人都不希望这个孩子的出生。 前男友理查德非常生气,看到她怀孕觉得这个是对他的一种报复。另外Felix和Silke因为年龄差距巨大,常常爆发激烈的争吵。理查德看到这种情况,他认为他的机会来了,他结交了个更年轻的女友前来捣乱。
Walking home from work one night, Thana, a mute seamstress in New York City's Garment District, is raped at gunpoint in an alley by a mysterious, masked attacker. She survives and makes her way back to her apartment, where she encounters a burglar and is raped a second time. Thana bludgeons this second assailant to death with an iron. She then keeps his .45 caliber M1911A1 pistol, dismembers the burglar's body, puts the pieces into plastic garbage bags and gradually disposes of them in various locations throughout the city. She begins to have frequent nightmares and hallucinations of the first assailant stalking her, and her mental stability begins to dim. Thana is noticed by a man while she is disposing of one of the bagged body parts; retrieving the bag, he chases and frightens her. Fearing another sexual assault, she fatally shoots him. This event furthers her impulse for vengeance. Gradually, Thana transforms her appearance to bee a more and more seductive bait, and sets out to kill any man who annoys her. Near the end of the film, she dons a nun's habit and red lipstick to attend a Halloween party with her boss and co-workers. Her boss tries to take advantage of her and is killed; Thana then begins a shooting spree and targets all the men present. Finally she is stabbed by a female colleague.
克里斯蒂安·科莱威尔,在本片中饰演一名没钱的侦探。受雇于法国一位部长,调查科西嘉岛上由安格·洛尼(让·雷诺)建立的一个恐怖组织。口头上这名侦探说了解这个岛,实际上却一无所知。当他到达科西嘉岛。提起安格·洛尼这个名时,无人不惊恐地看着他。在他找寻安格·洛尼的时候被匪徒劫持,正巧路上发生武装冲突,警察在后面跟踪出现,装傻充愣的带走了科莱威尔(因为匪徒非常多)。 但侦探科莱威尔没有逃过此劫。在安格·拉(卡特蒂娜·莫多诺)——安格·洛尼的妹妹引诱下,乖乖就擒。在警察的几番追捕下,科莱威尔被救。但警察间也发生了矛盾,当地警察与特警在意见上发生了冲突。 后来,在科莱威尔为安格·洛尼和安格·拉的开脱下,三人被释放。此时,安格·拉对这个傻侦探产生了好感,同时也与安格·洛尼建立了友谊。 最后,在科莱威尔的帮助下,安格·洛尼被法庭判处无罪。科莱威尔也留在了科...
Antonio is a 30 yo family man, whose life finds an unexpected twist when he's suddenly dumped by his husband, whom he depends both psychologically and economically: he needs to find a new place to stay, a job and a new purpose in life. Antonio finds a room in an apartment owned by Denis and starts to work in a bakery owned by Luca, while attending pastry school. Through this pr...