搜索"Johnson" ,找到 部影视作品
1976年,乔(尹成植 饰)的父母因为卷入洛杉矶的贩毒生意而遭到杀害,当时尚为幼儿的乔幸运的被杀手麦克斯(凯斯·大卫 Keith David 饰)救走,并在后者的严苛训练下成长,十一年前,和乔一起长大亲如兄弟的迈尔斯(Bokeem Woodbine 饰)不辞而别,而之后的乔成为了一名杀手。乔接受了一单以女歌星安琪儿为目标的新任务,但他惊异的发现,安琪儿的保镖居然是多年来杳无音信的迈尔斯。乔只得推掉任务并找到麦克斯一探究竟,始获知养父多年来的心结……在乔拒绝任务后,一对疯狂的杀手夫妻受命刺杀安琪儿,为了保护兄弟般的迈尔斯,乔决定与杀手战斗…
For thousands of years, only religion has offered an answer to what happens after death. Science is about to change that. With the help of a physicist, a blind medium, and Thomas Edison's final experiment, Brayden Taylor embarks on a quest to contact the afterlife. For his love to transcend dimensions, he must defy the laws of quantum physics. He must defy the balance nature de...