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Starring Heather Locklear's daughter, Ava Locklear, in her first lead role in a feature film, this suspense thriller takes a downward spiral when Lianne (Arianne Zucker) discovers all is not what it seems after the disappearance of her daughter, Summer (Ava Locklear). She discovers her daughter's friend, Cara (Sierra Pond) has a dark past, and even darker intentions as a girl who is desperate for a mother's love - and will stop at nothing and no one to find it.
在一个叫栗树丘的小镇上,每年都会在平安夜举行一个饼干大赛,参观是弗兰克.奥布莱恩先生提供的,他参赛的饼干是融化雪人饼干,但是却没有得过奖。20年来是琳达.莎莉文主办的饼干大赛,每年得奖那个饼干秘方会收藏在琳达的配方盒中。琳达带着两个孩子一起参加,分别是斯顿.艾米和杰克,他们一起做了圣诞星光饼干。 一晃三十年过去了。圣诞前夕,在纽约工作的艾米被老板提拔为公司的初级合伙人,还沉浸在升职喜悦中的艾米,因为一通电话飞回了栗树丘,见到了昔日一帮老友,也遇到了从小青梅竹马的杰克。在得知琳达的遗愿是想让关闭已久的面包店重新开张,并复活圣诞饼干大赛这一传统时,俩人召集了镇上的好友一起绞尽脑汁的行动起来。就在大赛的那天晚上,艾米做了一个决定,放弃了纽约的工作,回到家乡参加大赛,并且和杰克在一起,开着舅妈留下的烘焙店。