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Berlin in the late phase of the Weimar Republic: Jakob Fabian worked in a small advertising Agency as a Reklametexter for a Zigarettenfirma. He is tolerably satisfied with his life, even if he is financially barely above water can hold, and lives carefree in the day. With his best friend Labude he makes regularly in the Berlin nightlife insecure. His new friend Cornelia, who ju...
Berlin in the late phase of the Weimar Republic: Jakob Fabian worked in a small advertising Agency as a Reklametexter for a Zigarettenfirma. He is tolerably satisfied with his life, even if he is financially barely above water can hold, and lives carefree in the day. With his best friend Labude he makes regularly in the Berlin nightlife insecure. His new friend Cornelia, who just come to Berlin, to the movie big to come out, is attractive. But one day the tide turns for the careless, young man: as a Result of the economic crisis in 1927, begins Fabian's life piece by piece out of the joints to get.
芳龄20、貌美的卡萝尔 bull;施奈德尽管有着富裕而安逸的生活,但她并不快乐。她的男友亚历山大既细心又有耐心,而她总却期待他有其它不一样的、超出公认的准则的生活给她。然而,亚历山大的冷漠使她感到不安,于是,卡萝尔以外出宣泄来取代她空虚的日子,结果导致她被怀疑为恐怖分子遭羁押而最后送往精神病院。;实际上,卡萝尔主观上有进精神病院的愿望。她渴望与其他病人一样成为一个名副其实的白痴,能够通过非常人的妄想来延伸自己的的幻想,逃避她原先日常生活的困惑。很快,卡萝尔在这里遇到了真正的疯狂,性格无法平衡的她在精神病康复的恐怖仪式中可以不再区分现实或幻想里的疯狂,她决定永久地留在精神病院。