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Lucita has been locked away in a convent by her family in order to keep her away from her lover, Esteban. The pair make plans to elope, but Esteban is accused of heresy before Lucita can escape. Hiding in the convent, Esteban discovers the horrifying depravity of the covent's abbess, Sister Incarnation. Can Esteban rescue his love from this madhouse before the inquisitor discov...
Using Nelson Rodrigues' play as a springboard, director Braz Chediak has made a movie about the multiple incestuous relationships of one family, and their misguided personal demons get worse as time wears on. The message remains essentially erotic, regardless of possible symbolic allusions to the society to which these people belong.
Paz and Miguel have a seemingly happy marriage. But after moving to Logroño, where Miguel has been transferred as a judge, their life as a couple falls into monotony and suffers a serious crisis of passion. As a result, she begins a loving relationship with Alfredo, a sixteen-year-old boy. Their neighbor, Martial witness the infidelity, decides to blackmail her, forcing her to ...
Naive, but brash and sultry teenage runaway Bonnie finds herself lost and adrift in America. The lovely young lass runs afoul of a colorful array of evil oddballs who all treat her like an object: violent criminal Pat makes Bonnie help her kidnap the middle-aged Dan Daubrey; domineering lesbian painter Geraldine Mills wants Bonnie to be her kept girl and uses her as a model; an...
意大利闻名导演丁度 middot;巴拉斯1988年执导的情色悬疑侦察片。影片《布达佩斯小酒馆》署名的榜首导演丁度 middot;巴拉斯却是日后意大利甚至国际色情电影王国中如日中天的新帝王。在执导完侦察惊险片《布达佩斯小酒馆》(Snack Bar Budapest)后,徜徉不定的丁度总算认清了拍色情片才是个人横溢才调发挥之地。所以在丁度的电影里,咱们再也不需要寻觅啥;典雅 rdquo;情调与;深入 rdquo;道理,男女即便相爱亦因天性各自偷欢... nbsp; 影片简述了一个被革除了执照的律师来到了布达佩斯小酒馆,他认识了当地的黑帮头头而且愿意为他干事。他的榜首个使命即是去驱赶布达佩斯小酒馆老板,以便让黑帮头子占有此酒馆,谁知道这个酒馆的老板和老板娘是他以前所了解的客户,成果律师打死了一起来的黑帮小跟班,而尔后黑帮人马包围了小酒馆,引发了一场剧烈的枪战 hellip; hellip;