搜索"Ko" ,找到 部影视作品
Croatian erotic anthology of seven short stories directed by Irena Skoric, all revolving around sex and relationships. Five of the stories following the intimacies of straight couples, where the 6th and 7th stories revolve around a lesbian couple and a gay couple.
From swingers clubs filled with sex-seekers of all ages and body types to libidinous limo rides, a Tokyo S&M hotel, the UK Torture Garden Club, and an amputation fetishist who gets his kicks by slicing off body parts, documentary filmmaker Raphael Sibilla teams with producer Emmanuel Prevost to offer an unflinching look at transgressive sexual practices across the globe. ~ Jaso...
The story is set in the south of the ex-USSR, in Crimea. The characters are outcasts. Their hostility to society makes them want to flee both the law and themselves. Their flight becomes a journey that leads to an inevitable clash with the world, which they can neither change nor rebuild as they see fit.
六十年代,南斯拉夫某区的领导决定用乐队丰富年轻人的生活,与此同时,青年迪诺(Slavko Stimac 饰)的一班同龄朋友们整日在陈旧的社区中游荡,迪诺相信使用催眠术可以对共产主义事业起到促进作用,平日里勤加学习。因为迪诺掌握着家里鸽房的钥匙,当地的年轻人头头将一位女孩 多莉贝塞给迪诺看顾,父亲暗中发现了女孩,但并未声张反而给迪诺更多的零用钱。父亲因染病每况愈下,同迪诺在饭桌上谈论伟大未来的时间越来越少。迪诺和多莉贝渐渐互相产生了好感,某天夜里事主突然到访,带领几个青年在迪诺面前将多莉贝侮辱后带走。父亲入院后,迪诺的生活只剩下乐队的排练,他穿戴整齐后再次找到多莉贝……