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一位貌似耶稣的小偷(Horácio Salinas 饰)从儿童们的石块击打中醒来,与一个无手无脚的侏儒结伴进入城市。城中正进行一场疯狂的庆典,一些人被杀死,鸟雀从他们的枪口中飞出,大量蟾蜍穿着印第安人以及欧洲殖民者的服装在混战中被炸的粉碎。小偷从几个罗马士兵打扮的人手中接过十字架,又被他们将自身的形象制造成无数模型……小偷在众目睽睽下爬上了一座能生产黄金的高塔,塔内的术士从小偷的粪便中提炼出了金子。术士用占星术确认了几位门徒,他们是生产面具的商人、武器商、艺术家、玩具商、政府顾问、军队长官和建筑师,七人分别代表不同的行星。术士把这些掌控国家的人物积聚一起,抛弃一切之后向传说中的圣山进发寻找不朽的秘密。
A close look at the life of some spanish teenage "delincuentes" at Madrid during the 80s. This is one of Eloy de la Iglesia's best films and a great look at Madrid's 80s, a troublesome and mythical era much funnier than the boring present.
An engineer moves into a bungalow on the beach next to a widow and her two boys. It's obvious that there is a spark between the two adults but it would be a dull film if everything turned out happily ever after. The older boy has a bit of an Oedipal complex and seems to really, really like his mom. Of course, that means that no other man can come and break up their "happy" fami...
拉尔(爱德华多·诺列加 Eduardo Noriega 饰)因为惹恼了黑手党而遭到了恐怖分子的追杀,无奈之下,他只得躲回了位于西班牙北部的老家。父亲约瑟(赫克特·科洛梅 Héctor Colomé 饰)告诉拉尔,他的弟弟瓦伦丁(爱德华多·诺列加 Eduardo Noriega 饰)如今在一家妓院工作,并且疯狂的迷恋上一位名叫米莲娜(芙劳拉·马丁内兹 Flora Martínez 饰)的妓女。约瑟觉得这一切都是一个圈套,希望拉尔能够将瓦伦丁带回家。
Using Nelson Rodrigues' play as a springboard, director Braz Chediak has made a movie about the multiple incestuous relationships of one family, and their misguided personal demons get worse as time wears on. The message remains essentially erotic, regardless of possible symbolic allusions to the society to which these people belong.
Paz and Miguel have a seemingly happy marriage. But after moving to Logroño, where Miguel has been transferred as a judge, their life as a couple falls into monotony and suffers a serious crisis of passion. As a result, she begins a loving relationship with Alfredo, a sixteen-year-old boy. Their neighbor, Martial witness the infidelity, decides to blackmail her, forcing her to ...
神秘莫测、枪法绝伦的独行杀手“鼹鼠”(亚历桑德罗•佐杜洛夫斯基 Alejandro Jodorowsky 饰)和他年仅7岁、赤身裸体的儿子(布朗提斯•佐杜洛夫斯基 Brontis Jodorowsky 饰)骑马漫步在墨西哥炎热的沙漠之中。他们路过一个被匪徒“上校”及其爪牙血洗过的村庄,鼹鼠按照垂死村民提供的线索一路追踪,将上校一伙一网打尽。在此之后,他将儿子留在一座寺院,带着他解救的女人继续踏上旅途。女人向鼹鼠讲述了四大高手的传说,这个好胜心切的男人向四大高手发起挑战,他凭借高超的枪法和精巧的计谋一次次得逞,却也在这一过程中若有所悟。