搜索"玛吉·吉伦哈尔" ,找到 部影视作品
Beautifully woven, complex and subtle, this film captures an essence of NYC after 9/11. A great script, some stunning photography, an excellent score that helps tie it all together, and a great ensemble cast make this small film seem quite large. The emotions that bubble under the surface, only sometimes breaking through, give this film its strength and its power. Different sto...
Beautifully woven, complex and subtle, this film captures an essence of NYC after 9/11. A great script, some stunning photography, an excellent score that helps tie it all together, and a great ensemble cast make this small film seem quite large. The emotions that bubble under the surface, only sometimes breaking through, give this film its strength and its power. Different stories of different people all struggling with day to day life sharing the common experience of being New Yorkers post 9/11. The references to what happened are almost all unspoken, evoked through the images displayed or the background sounds, yet there is no doubt that what happened is a force in the lives of all of these people. Intelligent film-making at its best.
伯特·法兰德(约翰·卡拉辛斯基 John Krasinski 饰)和维罗纳·德·泰桑特(玛娅·鲁道夫 Maya Rudolph 饰)是一对恩爱夫妇,维罗纳怀孕了,因此二人需要找到一个最适合的地方,安家,抚育即将到来的子女。他们首先想到投奔伯特父母,却不巧遇上二老决定出门旅行,他们继续走过亚利桑那州、威斯康辛州,寻找许多故交、亲属,也目睹家家有本难念的经。在走过一站又一站的过程中,两个人的感情愈发相笃,愈加意识到彼此都是唯一,也许将来也会遇到所见其他夫妻那样的问题,也正是这些真实故事,更利于他们找到幸福,兜兜转转,他们最终的家到底在何方……
查克(山姆·洛克威尔 Sam Rockwell 饰)是一个百无一用但脑袋里塞满了奇思妙想的年轻人,机缘巧合之中,他竟然成为了红得发紫的综艺节目制作人。吉姆(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)身为中央情报局的一员,看重的就是查克的身份和名气,他找到了查克,希望查克能够替他执行一项危险而又重要的暗杀计划,查克答应了吉姆的请求。
年轻的凯尔(查宁·塔图姆 Channing Tatum 饰)从阿富汗前线退伍后在国会安保部门工作,他的终极梦想是保护美国总统索亚(杰米·福克斯 Jamie Foxx 饰)。凯尔与离婚的妻子育有一个正在上小学的女儿艾米莉(乔伊·金 Joey King 饰),她因为父亲入伍的经历变成了一个政治迷,尤其对索亚总统和白宫极其崇拜。凯尔为了让女儿高兴承诺带她参加白宫内部一日游,顺便在当天去应征由卡罗(玛吉·吉伦哈尔 Maggie Gyllenhaal 饰)领导的特勤部门的工作。可是就在同一天,一伙身份不明的武装分子乔装潜入白宫并对索亚总统进行搜捕,一场腥风血雨蓄势待发。正在陪女儿参观的凯尔能否临危不惧解救总统?凯尔是否能同时保护女儿?而这场动机不明的暴力背后是否掩盖着不为人知的肮脏秘密?