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Inspired by the original hit Swedish novel and film,the series centers on Mark and his daughter Eleanor, whose lives were changed 10 years earlier when she was turned into a vampire. Starring Demián Bichir, Anika Noni Rose, Grace Gummer, Madison Taylor Baez, Kevin Carroll, Ian Foreman and Jacob Buster. Stream the premiere October 7.
Inspired by the original hit Swedish novel and film,the series centers on Mark (Bichir) and his daughter Eleanor (Baez), whose lives were changed 10 years earlier when she was turned into a vampire. Locked in at age 12, perhaps forever, Eleanor lives a closed-in life, able to go out only at night, while her father does his best to provide her with the human blood she needs to stay alive. With these emotionally charged and terrifying ingredients as a starting point,LET THE RIGHT ONE INwill upend genre expectations, turning a naturalistic lens on human frailty, strength and compassion. Led by Oscar nominee Demián Bichir (A Better Life), the series also stars Tony winner Anika Noni Rose (Dreamgirls, Power), Grace Gummer (Mr. Robot), Madison Taylor Baez (Selena: The Series), Kevin Carroll (Snowfall), Ian Foreman (Merry Wish-Mas) and Jacob Buster (Colony). Award-winning playwright, writer and producer Andrew Hinderaker (Away, PENNY DREADFUL), who wrote the pilot, will serve as showrunner and executive produce along with Seith Mann (HOMELAND, FreeRayshawn, Blindspotting), who directed the pilot and will also direct additional episodes.
1952年,古巴独裁者巴蒂斯塔上台,他所率领的政府在国内实行高压统治,对国外则推行亲美政策。切•格瓦拉(Benicio Del Toro本尼西奥•德尔•托罗 饰)于1955年和菲德尔•卡斯特罗(Rodrigo Santoro 罗德里格•桑托罗 饰)在墨西哥城相会,随后加入卡斯特罗组织的“七二六运动”。次年,格瓦拉与其他81名起义者一同踏上推翻巴蒂斯塔独裁政府的征程……
故事发生在一艘名为“契约”的殖民太空船之上,飞船上搭载了两千名进入沉睡的殖民者,他们的目的地是遥远的欧米伽六号行星,希望能够在那里建立新的家园。一场意外的发生令契约号的能量收集帆遭到了破坏,船长布兰森(詹姆斯·弗兰科 James Franco 饰)亦不幸身亡。作为代理船长的欧朗(比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)带领着惊恐而又悲伤的船员们降落到了一颗未知的神秘星球上。
Carlos Galindo(德米安·比齐尔 Demián Bichir 饰)是一个从墨西哥偷渡到美国的无户籍人士。老婆早已离他而去,如今的他和14岁的儿子Luis Galindo相依为命。儿子在学校因为自己的特殊身份遭受同学的歧视和欺负,但他总是沉默对待父亲的询问,隔阂在两人间越来越深。为了能让自己和儿子过上更好的日子,Carlos努力干活ping命令赚钱。他的一个园丁,平日里的工作就是为了各式各样的美国富人修剪草坪。他的老板因为想回国而出售自己的二手卡车和园丁必备工具。希望可以转更多钱的Carlos找自己的妹妹借了钱买来了人家淘汰的旧卡车和园丁必备的工具。可是有一天,Carlos赖以生存的旧卡车竟然被街区里的小混混Santiago(卡洛斯·琳娜蕾丝 Carlos Linares 饰)偷走。在焦急中父子两第一次坦诚相对,恢复以往的亲情。父子两共同踏上了寻车之路
身怀绝技的弯刀(丹尼·特乔 Danny Trejo 饰)在追查犯罪组织卡特尔的行动中,其女友兼搭档ICE特工莎塔娜(杰西卡·阿尔芭 Jessica Alba 饰)不慎遇害,弯刀也被作为杀人凶手判处绞刑。关键时刻,美国总统秘密将其招至华府,命弯刀前往美国和墨西哥的边界,调查革命武装组织头目马科斯·门德斯革命者(德米安·比齐尔 Demián Bichir 饰)是否有袭击美国的打算,一旦证据确凿即可将其抹杀。弯刀率先与圣·安东尼奥小姐(艾梅柏·希尔德 Amber Heard 饰)接洽,随后潜入墨西哥见到门德斯。此时的门德斯仿佛已经人格分裂,他将导弹的控制系统与自己的心脏相连,一旦遇害导弹便自动飞向美国华府,而他的人头又高达千万美金,以至于弯刀被迫担负起保护门德斯性命的任务。 返回美国的道路杀机四伏,凶险非常,更有意想不到的阴谋等待着他……