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  • 收藏酷猫影院-最新免费高清电影-热门电视剧、网剧大全在线观看网址:www.kumaoyingyuan.com  ,记得收藏哟~
In London, the pregnant wife of an industrialist falls down the stairs, loses her sight and has no recollection of the events but suspects that a mentally traumatic experience prior to the fall caused her accident.  Psyche 59 is a 1964 British drama film directed by Alexander Singer and written by Julian Halevy. It is based on the 1963 novel Psyche '59 by Françoise des Ligneris. The film stars Patricia Neal, Curd Jürgens, Samantha Eggar, Ian Bannen, Beatrix Lehmann and Elspeth March. The film was released on 29 April 1964, by Columbia Pictures.

