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第一位公主的故事:「我和堂兄」< 雛孌 > 小學六年級的女孩度妍為參加外婆的葬禮暑假來到鄉下。忙亂的葬禮人群中,度妍見到了和本人同年的堂兄成俊。夏日的夜晚,大人們忙著殯葬事物,四處都是嗚咽的聲音。度妍和其他一些親戚孩子們被一同安顿在某房間休息。和度妍躺在一同的成俊拉著妹妹的手,告訴她本人很喜歡她。在之後一同度過的三天裡,度妍和堂兄一同游玩,既感到不安,又覺得新鮮刺激。最後一夜,在成俊的提議下,他們一同潛入空無一人的教室,模拟大人經歷了他們的初夜 第二位公主的故事:「冬眠」< 父奴 > 年逾半百的婦人伊禮獨自經營著一個小規模的養鴨場。伊禮沒有丈夫、孩子,性格也略顯木訥,身邊独一的親人就是身患老年癡呆症的父親。父親病情嚴重,生活不能自理,全靠伊禮親力親為。屋漏偏逢連夜雨,養鴨場的鴨子又遭遇禽流感,養殖場經營狀況變得異常艱難。一天,神智混亂的父親把女兒的手放到了本人的下體,表情卻像孩子一樣無辜 第三位公主的故事:「叢林裡的睡公主」< 童悽 > 在專門人士的布置下母親改嫁金姓韓國男子,十七歲的女兒秀珍也隨母親一同來到鄉下。在這裡,秀珍母女和金姓男子、男子的母親,以及男子侄兒真瑞組成了一個全新的家庭。但是,到來的第一天就發生了意想不到的事情。本來準備在祖母身旁睡下的秀珍忽然被繼父叫到房間,在其暴力施壓下失去了少女的貞潔。此後,在家人近乎殘酷的缄默下,秀珍不得不忍耐來自繼父的暴力性虐,還要承擔家裡的大小勞動。不久,秀珍驚覺本人懷孕,後因煤氣中毒暈倒在樹林裡,被真瑞發現。長久以來,秀珍不断對真瑞抱有好感,此時她也從他那裡的到了些許抚慰。秀珍再次回到家裡,繼父雖然沒有責備她,卻對她暴虐依舊,仍然對她实施殘酷的性虐,不久,真瑞手持利刀闖了進來
The story revolves around MINTY, a youthful, raven haired, punk rock, feminist, female super heroine, that gets her super powers from eating chocolate, which is a good source of antioxidants. One day Minty's agent, BIG BOSS, an older and honorable gentlemen, is taken hostage by DOCTOR BRAIN BENDER, the evil mastermind. Minty then fights her way up various perverse floors of Doc...
The story revolves around MINTY, a youthful, raven haired, punk rock, feminist, female super heroine, that gets her super powers from eating chocolate, which is a good source of antioxidants. One day Minty's agent, BIG BOSS, an older and honorable gentlemen, is taken hostage by DOCTOR BRAIN BENDER, the evil mastermind. Minty then fights her way up various perverse floors of Doctor Brain Bender's paranormal building to defeat several unusual villains: CAPTAIN CAPABILITY, a freak of nature; SENSATIONAL NINJA, an effeminate assassin; RAT MONSTER, a depressed mutant; BRUCE ZEE, a psycho martial artist; MOLLY LEVIATHAN, a sensual super vixen; ZEN COWBOY, a blindfolded gunslinger; and DOUBLE DELICIOUS, an intellectual lesbian vampire. Along this wild odyssey, Minty educates her adversaries on the fascinating world of natural science and then uses her beauty, her brains, and pure brutality to demonstrate the biological theory of the survival of the fittest. Minty: The Assassin is an artsy indie film that honors the wonderful B-movies that pushed the boundaries of American cinema. It pays homage to the underrated. The film respects the soul of what makes B-movies entertaining. Instead of being restricted by a convoluted storyline, Minty: The Assassin focuses on characters -- outrageous personalities that say and do some really unconventional things.