搜索"1975" ,找到 部影视作品
This 1975's original sexual comedy by the director Joël Séria is full of unexpected situations between a man and women. A salesman of umbrellas, Henri Serin (a magnificent Jean-Pierre Marielle), is having sex with all the women of which he paints a portrait and which he encounters during his travels. While one is cooking in her kitchen, he is painting. Once he is invited but im...
This 1975's original sexual comedy by the director Joël Séria is full of unexpected situations between a man and women. A salesman of umbrellas, Henri Serin (a magnificent Jean-Pierre Marielle), is having sex with all the women of which he paints a portrait and which he encounters during his travels. While one is cooking in her kitchen, he is painting. Once he is invited but immediately expelled when he wants to unfold her traditional ribbon. Henri Serin falls for a very young woman which he can seduce while making a portrait of her. His only friend is a modernist priest (Romain Bouteille) who likes to talk with him in the local bar. Henri Serin does not think of tomorrow and lives "la vie d'artiste". Life is beautiful and sex is life.
影片是基于世界闻名的SM情色小说该编的。小说作者PaulineReage在小说鈡叙述了一位年轻漂亮的钕人,代号 rdquo被她的侽友Rene送到巴黎郊外的一座城堡里。在那儿她接受了SM钕郎的训练,捆绑,鞭打和xing虐待。rdquo深深地嗳着Rene,为了证明她的嗳,她甘愿忍受对她的各种各样的羞辱和虐待。最后,由于Rene欠了一大笔债务,只能把rdquo的所有权转让给祂同父异母的哥哥Stehen 大师兄苦练二十年的铁砂掌和铁头功,今天终于练成了。本以为自己已经可以打遍天下高手。没想到一出山就遇到了万磁
元禄年间,阿夏和阿7是1对出身于京都底层棺桶匠家的美丽姐妹,但是她们的命运却与容颜构成鲜明对照。姐姐阿夏(ひし美ゆり子 饰)因父亲工作的缘由,委身寺庙充当主持清海(汐路章 饰)的小妾。她爱上了商人之子世之介(中林章 饰),并想法离开了寺庙,却遭到世之介的背叛,她决心报复这个负心的男人;阿7(橘麻紀 饰)贤惠温顺,上门女婿久松(川谷拓3 饰)却贪婪卑鄙,他为了钱财出卖妻子的贞操。1番争执,久松为妻子所杀,心怀惭愧的阿7许下侍奉1千个男人的悲愿,以此赎清自己的罪过。性情悬殊的姐妹俩走上了各自的求生之路……