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"Bob Dylan going electric" at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival is one of those epochal moments in rock history that seemingly everyone has heard about, but what few people seem to know is that it wasn't some ephemeral event that we only know from word of mouth -- filmmaker Murray Lerner documented the performances at the Newport Festival for several years running, and The Other Side of the Mirror collects footage from the three years Dylan appeared at the celebrated folk gathering, allowing us to see Dylan's rise through the folk scene for ourselves. Watching Lerner's documentary, what's most remarkable is how much Dylan changed over the course of 36 months; the young folkie performing at the afternoon "workshop" at the side of Joan Baez in 1963 is at once nervy and hesitant, singing his wordy tunes while chopping away at his acoustic guitar and energizing the crowd without seeming to know just what he's doing. In 1964, Dylan all but owns Newport, and he clearly knows it; he's the talk of the Festival, with Baez and Johnny Cash singing his praises (and his songs), and his command of the stage is visibly stronger and more confident while his new material (including "Mr. Tambourine Man" and "It Ain't Me, Babe") sees him moving away from the "protest songs" that first made his name. When the audience demands an encore after Dylan's evening set (Odetta and Dave Van Ronk were scheduled to follow him), Peter Yarrow tries to keep the show moving along while Dylan beams at the crowd's adulation, like the rock star he was quickly becoming. By the time the 1965 Newport Festival rolled around, Dylan's epochal "Like a Rolling Stone" was starting to scale the singles charts, and the hardcore folk audience was clearly of two minds about his popular (and populist) success. When Dylan, Fender Stratocaster in hand, performs "Maggie's Farm" backed by Al Kooper, Mike Bloomfield and the rhythm section from the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, the raucous but hard-driving number inspires a curious mixture of enthusiastic cheering and equally emphatic booing, and while legend has it that the version of "Like a Rolling Stone" that followed was a shambles, the song cooks despite drummer Sam Lay's difficulty in finding the groove, though if anything the division of the crowd's loyalties is even stronger afterward. After these two numbers, Dylan and his band leave the stage, with Yarrow (once again serving as MC) citing technical problems (if Pete Seeger really pulled the power on Dylan, as legend has it, there's no sign of it here); Dylan returns to the stage with an acoustic six-string to sing "Mr. Tambourine Man" and "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue" before vanishing into the night without comment. While much of the audience at Newport in 1965 wanted the "old" Dylan back, his strong, willful performances even on the acoustic stuff makes it obvious that the scrappy semi-amateur we saw at the beginning of the movie was gone forever, and the ovations suggest more than a few people wanted to see Dylan rock. Lerner's film tells us a certain amount of what we already knows, but it gently debunks a few myths about Dylan during this pivotal moment in his career, and his performances are committed and forceful throughout; no matter how many times you've read about Dylan's Newport shoot-out of 1965, seeing it is a revelatory experience, and Lerner has assembled this archival material with intelligence and taste. This is must-see viewing for anyone interested in Dylan or the folk scene of the '60s.
เมื่อมะลิ (ก้อง ห้วยไร่) พ่อค้าไข่เจียวรถเข็นลูกค้าติดตรึม ถูกเพื่อนยุให้แข่งขันรายการ ไข่เจียวไทยไปไข่โลก เขาจำต้องพึ่งพาความช่วยเหลือจาก พริ้นซ์ (สิงโต นำโชค) อาจารย์มหาวิทยาลัยเพลย์บอยตัวพ่อ, เปลืองศักดิ์ (บอล เชิญยิ้ม) หมอศัลยกรรมกะเทยแซ่บ , คิม (ไพศาล ขุนหนู)ทนายคนใต้อุดมการณ์แรงกล้า และ นะโม (เซฟฟานี่ อาวะนิค) นักบินสาวห้าวที่พริ้นซ์แอบปลื้ม กับปฎิบัติการที่พวกเขาต้องปั้น...
庞格 (威查宇˙里拉塔纳蒙肯 饰)是位内向的高中生,虽不擅长踢足球但为了满足父亲的期望而硬着头皮加入校队。而相反的,萍珂 (珠拉瑞˙汉蓉柔 饰)是个个性直率且热爱足球的女孩,她因爱慕校队的队长-彼克(洽查威˙德查卢朋 饰),一心希望能进入校队,但碍于性别的关系而无法成功加入。但在一次偶然地意外中,庞格和萍珂两人灵魂竟互换了!他们被迫以对方的身分和异性相处及生活,在互换的过程中他们更加明白内心的真实感受,也无意中发现周遭人的秘密…而彼克也渐渐被互换灵魂的庞格吸引,最后他们的灵魂是否能成功换回?而这爱情三角习题最终会演变成什么样的结局?
受精医院的院长及妻子的宣传视频上,给病人受精成功就是“好消息”Good News,片名是直译。可能香港的片名:BB驾到,翻译得更好
卡拉姆(阿尤斯曼•库拉纳Ayushmann Khurrana 饰)出生在一个贫穷的家庭之中,他的父亲经营着一家棺材铺子,生意非常的惨淡,这导致他欠下了巨额的债务。长大后的卡拉姆渐渐理解了家里困难的情况,他有一项绝技,就是模仿女人说话。利用自己的这项绝技,卡拉姆在电话交友中心里找到了一份工作,他化名为普加,用他“甜美”的声音陪男客人聊天。
A company of friends rises in the funicular to meet unforgettably New Year's Eve on the top of the mountain. The guys are already anticipating how they will cheerfully slide down to the beat of the chimes and explosions of fireworks. But the adventure turns into a real nightmare, when in the midst of the holiday a flimsy trailer gets stuck over the precipice.