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Music. Power. Jealousy.
Lucian Msamati (Luther, Game of Thrones, NT Live: The Comedy of Errors) plays Salieri in Peter Shaffer’s iconic play, broadcast live from the National Theatre, and with live orchestral accompaniment by Southbank Sinfonia.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a rowdy young prodigy, arrives in Vienna, the music capital of the world – and he’s determined to make a splash. Awestruck by his genius, court composer Antonio Salieri has the power to promote his talent or destroy his name. Seized by obsessive jealousy he begins a war with Mozart, with music, and ultimately, with God.
After winning multiple Olivier and Tony Awards when it had its premiere at the National Theatre in 1979, Amadeus was adapted into an Academy Award-winning film.
亚当斯(JJ•菲尔德 JJ Field 饰)、查理(里奥•格雷高里 Leo Gregory 饰)和穆尼兹(库诺•贝克 Kuno Becker)既是职业球员,又是挚友。眼看德国世界杯临近,三人都希望进入国家队。在为世界杯拍宣传片时,穆尼兹已经确定代表墨西哥队参加世界杯。但是,亚当斯、查理并未进入大名单。而且亚当斯的经纪人告诉他下赛季不能代表皇马出战了,这令他非常懊恼。这时,查理获得了一个拍片的机会,于是三人结伴来到了德国小城。在这里,查理结识了名模索菲亚(卡西娅•史穆特妮亚克 Kasia Smutniak 饰),他们一见倾心。然而,一场车祸改变了他们的命运。穆尼兹的腿断了,他的世界杯梦碎;亚当斯见到了旧爱琼(安雅•拉希里 Anya Lahiri 饰)及自己的小女儿,内心纠结;查理跟索菲亚情投意合,但却遭到命运的戏弄…
21世纪第一个十年,人类世界依然未能得到与所谓的高度发达文明相匹配的和平与安宁,超能力罪犯不断越狱,制造祸端;国际上比亚利亚和珀戈利斯坦两国剑拔弩张,人民遭难。超人(乔治·纽伯恩 George Newbern 配音)虽然不断与各种强大邪恶的对手作战,但他坚决不杀人的原则令其饱受质疑与指摘。在偶然的机会,他发现了几个年轻人组成的超能战士组合——极英盟。极英盟实力强大,个性鲜明,很快便成为新一代为民众所追捧的正义英雄。谁之不久之后,超人与极英盟成为了势不两立的对手……本片根据Joe Kelly于2001出版的漫画《为什么美国式的正义和真理如此可笑(What's So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way?)》