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The 13-year-old Iqbal is a charming, imaginative and fun boy, which, according to his father, is not enough if one is to succeed in the world. But when Iqbal, his little brother Tariq (11 years) and their friend Sille, accidentally blow up their school, his father is the slightest of his problems. The two crooks, Easelman and The Swine, want to get hold of the randomly home brewed explosive and blow up Tivoli to build the biggest parking facility in Scandinavia. To blackmail the kids for the recipe the two crooks kidnap the adorable little brother Dindua (6 years). The hunt to free Dindua and save Tivoli starts - and this requires cooperation, courage and a lot of imaginative ideas, which Iqbal is an expert in delivering.
WRITERS RETREAT is a horror film written by Jeremy Sheldon & C.M. Taylor set on fictional Kilton Island where strangers come together to develop their writing. Mark Twain famously said: "Write what you know". But how far would you go to find material for the ultimate bestseller? At a writer's retreat on an isolated island, novelist Zandra finds herself amongst a group of strangers confronting their darkest secrets as they write. When a member of the party mysteriously disappears, Zandra fears there is a more sinister presence trapped on the island with them. WRITERS RETREAT is filmed in a classic British Hammer Horror style using the strange features of its location to create a hauntingly terrifying film with atmosphere and menace. The script delves deep into human emotions and honesty, causing the characters to ask questions about themselves that they didn't know they had and question the audience as to whether things are quite what they seem.
在一个名为高山湖的美国小镇,静谧的夜幕下响起刺耳的警笛。女警长梅瑞狄斯·赫尔南德兹(莎拉·玛卢库·莱恩 Sara Malakul Lane 饰)抓住了在逃罪犯克林特·格雷(杜夫·龙格尔 Dolph Lundgren 饰),此后收养了克林特年幼的女儿卡莉(Lily Brooks O'Briant 饰)。如是过了五年,梅瑞狄斯和卡莉亲密无间,形同母女,当得知克林特即将出狱并且法院要将卡莉还给对方时,她的心中升起重重愁云。与此同时,小镇发生熊袭击人的事件。警方据此发布警告,然而一位生物学家研究发现,肇事者实则是一头能在淡水中生存的牛鲨。谁也不曾想到,重获自由的克林特与杀人牛鲨有着千丝万缕的联系……©豆瓣
Sledge hits you from the beginning with humor and originality. Opening with Assly's True American Horror television program, the action kicks off instantly with skull crushing deaths from the killer, Adam Lynch. Adam believes he is in a movie and video game that he has created in his head.
Sinbad, armed with rumors of ancient gold, finds himself sneaking into the desert camp of the evil sorcerer Al-Jibar. Hidden among the many relics is an ivory scroll case containing the logs of the pirate Captain Minos, which will lead Sinbad to the golden head of the Colossus of Rhodes.
Delphine Lamarre (Mylène St-Sauveur) is twenty years old. She has to make a choice between living her dream as a profesional dancer or taking the path imposed by her parents, which means studying medecine. However, her encounter with Marc Painchaud (Nico Archambault) will give her hope. In fact, she'll take part in more and more auditions and she'll stand up before her parents.