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My Name is Simon,Simon Templar The Saint was a long-running ITC mystery spy thriller, airing in Britain on ITV between 1962 and 1969. It centered on the Leslie Charteris literary character, Simon Templar—a Robin Hood-like adventurer with a penchant for disguise. Because of the strong American performance of the initial black-and-white seasons in first-run syndication, NBC picked up the show as a summer replacement on its evening schedule in 1966. Thus, the programme ended its run with both trans-Atlantic prime time scheduling and colour episodes. It also proved popular beyond America and Britain, eventually premiering in over 60 countries. With almost 120 episodes, the programme is exceeded only by The Avengers as the most productive show of its genre produced in Britain. SEASON 1 (1962) B/W # 1- 1 The Talented Husband # 1- 2 The Latin Touch # 1- 3 The Careful Terrorist # 1- 4 The Covetous Headsman # 1- 5 The Loaded Tourist # 1- 6 The Pearls of Peace # 1- 7 The Arrow of God # 1- 8 The Element of Doubt # 1- 9 The Effete Angler # 1-10 The Golden Journey # 1-11 The Man Who Was Lucky # 1-12 The Charitable Countess . SEASON 2 (1963) B/W # 2- 1 The Fellow Traveller # 2- 2 Starring the Saint # 2- 3 Judith # 2- 4 Teresa # 2- 5 The Elusive Ellshaw # 2- 6 Marcia # 2- 7 The Work of Art # 2- 8 Iris # 2- 9 The King of the Beggars # 2-10 The Rough Diamonds # 2-11 The Saint Plays With Fire # 2-12 The Well Meaning Mayor # 2-13 The Sporting Chance # 2-14 The Bunco Artists # 2-15 The Benevolent Burglary # 2-16 The Wonderful War # 2-17 The Noble Sportsman # 2-18 The Romantic Matron # 2-19 Luella # 2-20 The Lawless Lady # 2-21 The Good Medicine # 2-22 The Invisible Millionaire # 2-23 The High Fence # 2-24 Sophia # 2-25 The Gentle Ladies # 2-26 The Ever-Loving Spouse # 2-27 The Saint Sees it through . SEASON 3 (1964) B/W # 3- 1 The Miracle Tea Party # 3- 2 Lida # 3- 3 Jeannine # 3- 4 The Scorpion # 3- 5 The Revolution Racket # 3- 6 The Saint Steps In # 3- 7 The Loving Brothers # 3- 8 The Man Who Liked Toys # 3- 9 The Death Penalty # 3-10 The Imprudent Politician # 3-11 The Hi-Jackers # 3-12 The Unkind Philanthropist # 3-13 The Damsel in Distress # 3-14 The Contract # 3-15 The Set-Up # 3-16 The Rhine Maiden # 3-17 The Inescapable Word # 3-18 The Sign of the Claw # 3-19 The Golden Frog # 3-20 The Frightened Inn-Keeper # 3-21 Sibao # 3-22 The Crime of the Century # 3-23 The Happy Suicide . SEASON 4 (1965) B/W # 4- 1 The Checkered Flag # 4- 2 The Abductors # 4- 3 The Crooked Ring # 4- 4 The Smart Detective # 4- 5 The Persistent Parasites # 4- 6 The Man Who Could Not Die # 4- 7 The Saint Bids Diamonds # 4- 8 The Spanish Cow # 4- 9 The Old Treasure Story . SEASON 5 (1966) colour # 5- 1 The Queen's Ransom # 5- 2 Interlude in Venice # 5- 3 The Russian Prisoner # 5- 4 The Reluctant Revolution # 5- 5 The Helpful Pirate # 5- 6 The Convenient Monster # 5- 7 The Angel's Eye # 5- 8 The Man Who Liked Lions # 5- 9 The Better Mousetrap # 5-10 Little Girl Lost # 5-11 Paper Chase # 5-12 Locate and Destroy # 5-13 Flight Plan # 5-14 Escape Route # 5-15 The Persistent Patriots # 5-16 The Fast Women # 5-17 The Death Game # 5-18 The Art Collectors # 5-19 To Kill a Saint # 5-20 The Counterfeit Countess # 5-21 Simon and Delilah # 5-22 Island of Chance # 5-23 The Gadget Lovers # 5-24 A Double in Diamonds # 5-25 The Power Artists # 5-26 When Spring is Sprung . SEASON 6 (1968) colour # 6- 1 The Gadic Collection # 6- 2 The Best Laid Schemes # 6- 3 Invitation to Danger # 6- 4 Legacy for the Saint # 6- 5 The Desperate Diplomat # 6- 6 The Organisation Man # 6- 7 The Double Take # 6- 8 The Time to Die # 6- 9 The Master Plan # 6-10 The House on Dragon's Rock # 6-11 The Scales of Justice # 6-12 The Fiction Makers (1) # 6-13 The Fiction Makers (2) # 6-14 The People Importers # 6-15 Where the Money Is # 6-16 Vendetta for the Saint (1) # 6-17 Vendetta for the Saint (2) # 6-18 The Ex-King of Diamonds # 6-19 The Man Who Gambled with Life # 6-20 Portrait of Brenda # 6-21 The World Beater
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跟随着亨利·斯坦森医生(Malcolm McDowell 饰)的脚步,观众走进了百态丛生的疯人院。 第一个故事中,古斯塔夫(John Glover 饰)是一个沉迷于艺术创作世界中的艺术家,他时常和自己创作的人偶说话,并认为经纪人山姆背叛了他,一切陷入疯狂之中。第二个故事,平凡少年史蒂芬(David Mazouz 饰)和粗暴蛮横的老爸住在一起。近一段时间,他时不时会看到一个神秘男人出现在他的四周,而别人却根本没有察觉。直到某天,相貌可怖的男人向他出手。第三个故事,詹姆斯博士(Lou Diamond Phillips 饰)相信,玛雅人推算的每5125年人类大灭亡即将到来。他振臂高呼,却无人理解,他变成了一个孤立无援的先知……
维达和亚瑟来自于两个完全不懂的生活背景,感性动人, 有时候古怪忧伤,却始终真诚如一。 全新演绎一段夹在两个矛盾冲突的家庭之间的现代茱莉亚和罗密欧故事。
純潔的吉姆是個害怕女性的萬年處男。在30歲生日的前一天晚上,他下定決心要找到機會證明自己的男人魅力,於是他和自大的好友艾力克斯一同出發獵豔。 他們在派對上遇到一對美麗的姊妹─凱蒂和露露。正當他們以為這兩個女人是天上掉下來的禮物時,卻不知道這兩個致命的美女想奪走的可不只是吉姆的童貞。原來想要破處是這麼危險的一件事!
浪漫的新婚之夜,美丽新娘珍德(劳瑞·拉夫 Laurie Love 饰)和心爱的男人步入爱之殿堂。然而美好与幸福并未享受多久,五名持枪歹徒突然冲入他们的爱巢。珍德曾经属于某个犯罪组织,但为了心上人而选择金盆洗手。组织自然不会轻易让她上岸,于是对这对新婚燕尔的夫妇展开无情屠杀。谁知造物弄人,珍德竟然从血泊中醒来,她手握着丈夫的手,而对方早已冰冷,血肉模糊。拖着受伤的身体,珍德悲愤交加。她无法原谅这群夺去自己人生幸福的恶徒,于是想方设法搞来手枪,化为冷冰冰的复仇女神。 夜深人静,阴风阵阵,浴血新娘的复仇怒火熊熊燃烧……
笨手笨脚的拉里(王牌接线员拉里 Larry The Cable Guy饰)刚刚度过他人生中最糟糕的一天,极度郁闷的拉里决定约上他的邻居比尔(比尔·恩格瓦尔 Bill Engvall饰)以及从小玩到大的好友埃弗雷特(DJ·考尔斯 DJ Qualls饰)一醉解千愁,趁这个周末好好散散心。正当“蠢蛋三人组”喝到尽兴的时候,他们居然被一个军官误认为是开小差的士兵而被莫名其妙地赶上飞机,准备派到伊拉克战场作战。更离谱的是,“蠢蛋三人组” 被错误地空投到了墨西哥的陌生小镇上,三人还信以为真以为他们正身处中东,决定大干一场。当地军阀卡洛斯·桑坦纳(丹尼·特乔 Danny Trejo饰)残暴不仁,危害百姓。“蠢蛋三人组”在误打误撞下,竟然阴差阳错地从一伙强盗手中解救出了被围困的村民。一时间,三人成为了小镇人民心中的大英雄。