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Based on true events Little Secret is a film with three interlocked stories all connected by a single secret that converge to reveal the tragic yet beautiful lives of three families and how hope, dreams and destiny can unite people from very different parts of the world. Adopted at childhood by a loving family after facing the loss of her parents, Kat led a life full of adventures. Now in her teenage years she is trying to fit into a "normal" life, as the world shows her how cruel living can be. After discovering a secret which threatens her life, she wonders if her dreams are still possible. Heloisa is a dedicated mother who has been entrusted with the secret and will do everything to keep her family together; however, she knows that the future is unpredictable. Jeanne, a beautiful young Amazonian native, falls in love with Robert, a New Zealander, with whom he discovers that her possibilities are infinite, however she forgets that destiny has plans of its own. Barbara, an older ...
Nassim是巴黎一所重点高中的优秀学生,他看上去和同伴们一样无忧无虑。没人怀疑他身处何种现实。他刚刚失去自己的母亲,每晚回到寄养中心,尽管中心的主任非常和善,他还是拒绝融入到中心的年轻人中去,就像一位走钢丝的演员一样,Nassim在两种生活中周旋,他竭尽全力不让它们相遇…… Nassim est en première dans un grand lycée parisien et semble aussi insouciant que ses copains. Personne ne se doute qu’en réalité, il vient de perdre sa mère et rentre chaque soir dans un foyer. Malgré la bienveillance de la directrice, il refuse d’être assimilé aux jeunes de ce centre. Tel un funambule, Nassim navigue entre ses deux vies, qui ne doivent à aucun prix se rencontrer…
蚊叔(曾江 饰)是位职业的杀手代理人,其亲生儿子K.K(谭耀文 饰)和养子金鹰(张学友 饰)都是其手下得力的杀手。在一次行动中,二人结识了Joy(王祖贤 饰),在慢慢的相处中金鹰和Joy顺其自然的相恋了。金鹰此时却接到了一个任务:替Joy父亲的死对头大碌杀掉Joy父亲。后任务由KK执行,却未能成功,更意外的是,大碌中了KK的飞刀而死。这让杀手集团误以为是KK等人设计干掉了集团的客人大碌,遵照集团的规矩,KK等人必须被处死,而且集团的霍老已经将金鹰、KK、Joy抓了起来,并要求蚊叔亲手处决。一边是亲人的性命,一面是难以抵抗的暴力,蚊叔该如何抉择?他们能够逃过此劫吗?