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Paz and Miguel have a seemingly happy marriage. But after moving to Logroño, where Miguel has been transferred as a judge, their life as a couple falls into monotony and suffers a serious crisis of passion. As a result, she begins a loving relationship with Alfredo, a sixteen-year-old boy. Their neighbor, Martial witness the infidelity, decides to blackmail her, forcing her to ...
Roma, anni '70. Rocco e Antonia, liceali, si incontrano durante una manifestazione politica organizzata da gruppi extraparlamentari. I due giovani hanno in comune l'età, le idee politiche, l'insoddisfazione verso i propri genitori. Oltretutto, frequentandosi, si accorgono di essersi innamorati. É la scoperta del sesso e della passione. Dopo un po' di tempo, però, il loro rappor...
汉城的红灯区,一位17岁的少女被人诓骗至此,她化名潘舞娌(申恩庆 饰),操起了皮肉生意。舞娌很快从电视新闻跟街谈巷议中发现逃跑不可行,只得为偿还高利贷拼命工作,同时也见识着这风月场所的黑暗与混乱,某天,一名进城寻找工作的青年闯入了她的生活,但青年很快消失在人海中。不久总统遇刺,红灯区大受打击,舞娌离开汉城寻找出路,她不断更换着名字,在不同的城市间游荡,结识不同的男人,人生似浮萍漂泊不定,只有那位乡下青年始终陪伴着她。汉城奥运会开幕,舞娌再次奔赴汉城谋生,但她除了更多的债务以外什么也没有得到,舞娌在一位商人支持下经历了一段失败的老鸨生涯,生活对她来说仍然是一场没有尽头的空虚。
"Half Moon" tells the story of a city gripped with fear because of a man killing prostitutes. When down on her luck prostitute Rose (Shellie Chapman aka Tori Black) goes to a hotel to meet a man who seems like the perfect guy things soon change and she suspects he could be the killer ...or worse a Werewolf!