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美国一个小城市,当地的黑帮老大利奥和他的好朋友兼助手汤姆(加布里埃尔•伯恩 Gabriel Byrne 饰)同时爱上了黑道中人伯尼(约翰•特托罗 John Turturro 饰)的妹妹维娜(马西娅•盖伊•哈登 Marcia Gay Harden 饰),两个好朋友甚至为争夺维娜的爱的而反目。同时,当地的另一个黑帮老大卡斯帕极力拉拢汤姆,答应帮他偿还赌债,条件就是干掉伯尼。汤姆为了讨维娜的欢心,暗中帮助伯尼藏了起来,对卡斯帕却宣称自己已经杀死了伯尼。不料伯尼反咬一口,以此威胁汤姆帮他干掉卡斯帕,不然就重新露面。局面霎时变得混乱起来。
Savannah Delongpre is a wealthy fashion model living in New York City who returns to her small town in Georgia to visit her wealthy grandmother Belle as well as walk down memory lane to remember her childhood with some of her friends still living there. During that time, Savannah meets Jake Gilbert a rugged drifter/artist living on the property called Two Moon Junction owned by...
一群电影人、 导演、 编剧、 制片人、 演员和女演员一个周末相聚在远程的家里。程序很快就开始类似的典型的恐怖片: 夫妻双关闭,做ML,和得到或谋杀或绑架。
Raymond Derek is a up and coming hotshot young politician who seems to have it all. A great career, a wife, friends and a expensive home. But that all changes when he encounters sexy cabaret singer Angie. The two begin a steamy affair until the press find out and it becomes front page news. As his life falls to pieces, Raymond and molikan.com Angie try to build a life together,...