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The chasity of the most beautiful women of the Joseon has fallen! Maewol-dang is a gisaeng house located on the outskirts of Hanyang in the early Joseon times. With madame Wol-gi in the lead, there are Nok-su, Chunhyang, Sim-cheong and other beautiful gisaeng's living there. One day a party happens in the gisaeng house and the reason is Wol-hyang's long time lover and Lord Park Pan-seo has come back to Hanyang for the first time in 8 years. Nok-su has always been jealous of the Madame position so she schemes to seduce Lord Park and take over authority.
One rainy night, a woman in a Kimono bangs the door of the Maewol-dang. Servant Kong-ji opens the door and this Japanese geisha named Namikko asks to meet Wol-hyang. Meanwhile, the next morning, a male servant named Dol-se is found dead, stabbed by a hairpin that Chunhyang lost and hell breaks loose in Maewol-dang. Wol-hyang's close nephew Lord Lee Joon-ki comes to Maewol-dang to rest his weak body. He attracts the attention of all the gisaengs in the house for his boyish looks and the gisaeng's dream of romance with this pretty Lord. Who is this Lord with a hint of sexiness? The gisaengs try their best to look their best for this Lord...
丹尼尔(米基·马诺伊洛维奇 Miki Manojlović 饰)是一名指挥家,而他的太太艾琳娜(罗莎·别亚内达 Rosa Pianeta 饰)则经营着一间画廊,两人可谓是天作之合灵魂伴侣。虽然在外人看来,他们夫妻之间的感情非常的恩爱,但实际上,空虚早已经侵蚀了艾琳娜充满破绽的内心,孤独和寂寞一直萦绕着她。
元禄年间,阿夏和阿7是1对出身于京都底层棺桶匠家的美丽姐妹,但是她们的命运却与容颜构成鲜明对照。姐姐阿夏(ひし美ゆり子 饰)因父亲工作的缘由,委身寺庙充当主持清海(汐路章 饰)的小妾。她爱上了商人之子世之介(中林章 饰),并想法离开了寺庙,却遭到世之介的背叛,她决心报复这个负心的男人;阿7(橘麻紀 饰)贤惠温顺,上门女婿久松(川谷拓3 饰)却贪婪卑鄙,他为了钱财出卖妻子的贞操。1番争执,久松为妻子所杀,心怀惭愧的阿7许下侍奉1千个男人的悲愿,以此赎清自己的罪过。性情悬殊的姐妹俩走上了各自的求生之路……