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由常与罗根合作的摄影师Brandon Trost执导,改编自刊登于2013年《纽约客》的中篇小说《Sell Out》,原作者Simon Rich写剧本。罗根一人分饰两角,之一是1920年代移民到美国的劳工Herschel Greenbaum,他不慎跌进了一缸泡菜,被腌了一百年,保持了完美的形态。百年后的如今,Greenbaum在纽约布鲁克林醒来,身体没有丝毫苍老。他去寻找自己现在的家人,却发现只有曾孙Ben Greenbaum(也是罗根出演)尚存。Ben是个性格温和的程序猿,Herschel完全无法理解他。
My Name is Simon,Simon Templar The Saint was a long-running ITC mystery spy thriller, airing in Britain on ITV between 1962 and 1969. It centered on the Leslie Charteris literary character, Simon Templar—a Robin Hood-like adventurer with a penchant for disguise. Because of the strong American performance of the initial black-and-white seasons in first-run syndication, NBC picked up the show as a summer replacement on its evening schedule in 1966. Thus, the programme ended its run with both trans-Atlantic prime time scheduling and colour episodes. It also proved popular beyond America and Britain, eventually premiering in over 60 countries. With almost 120 episodes, the programme is exceeded only by The Avengers as the most productive show of its genre produced in Britain. SEASON 1 (1962) B/W # 1- 1 The Talented Husband # 1- 2 The Latin Touch # 1- 3 The Careful Terrorist # 1- 4 The Covetous Headsman # 1- 5 The Loaded Tourist # 1- 6 The Pearls of Peace # 1- 7 The Arrow of God # 1- 8 The Element of Doubt # 1- 9 The Effete Angler # 1-10 The Golden Journey # 1-11 The Man Who Was Lucky # 1-12 The Charitable Countess . SEASON 2 (1963) B/W # 2- 1 The Fellow Traveller # 2- 2 Starring the Saint # 2- 3 Judith # 2- 4 Teresa # 2- 5 The Elusive Ellshaw # 2- 6 Marcia # 2- 7 The Work of Art # 2- 8 Iris # 2- 9 The King of the Beggars # 2-10 The Rough Diamonds # 2-11 The Saint Plays With Fire # 2-12 The Well Meaning Mayor # 2-13 The Sporting Chance # 2-14 The Bunco Artists # 2-15 The Benevolent Burglary # 2-16 The Wonderful War # 2-17 The Noble Sportsman # 2-18 The Romantic Matron # 2-19 Luella # 2-20 The Lawless Lady # 2-21 The Good Medicine # 2-22 The Invisible Millionaire # 2-23 The High Fence # 2-24 Sophia # 2-25 The Gentle Ladies # 2-26 The Ever-Loving Spouse # 2-27 The Saint Sees it through . SEASON 3 (1964) B/W # 3- 1 The Miracle Tea Party # 3- 2 Lida # 3- 3 Jeannine # 3- 4 The Scorpion # 3- 5 The Revolution Racket # 3- 6 The Saint Steps In # 3- 7 The Loving Brothers # 3- 8 The Man Who Liked Toys # 3- 9 The Death Penalty # 3-10 The Imprudent Politician # 3-11 The Hi-Jackers # 3-12 The Unkind Philanthropist # 3-13 The Damsel in Distress # 3-14 The Contract # 3-15 The Set-Up # 3-16 The Rhine Maiden # 3-17 The Inescapable Word # 3-18 The Sign of the Claw # 3-19 The Golden Frog # 3-20 The Frightened Inn-Keeper # 3-21 Sibao # 3-22 The Crime of the Century # 3-23 The Happy Suicide . SEASON 4 (1965) B/W # 4- 1 The Checkered Flag # 4- 2 The Abductors # 4- 3 The Crooked Ring # 4- 4 The Smart Detective # 4- 5 The Persistent Parasites # 4- 6 The Man Who Could Not Die # 4- 7 The Saint Bids Diamonds # 4- 8 The Spanish Cow # 4- 9 The Old Treasure Story . SEASON 5 (1966) colour # 5- 1 The Queen's Ransom # 5- 2 Interlude in Venice # 5- 3 The Russian Prisoner # 5- 4 The Reluctant Revolution # 5- 5 The Helpful Pirate # 5- 6 The Convenient Monster # 5- 7 The Angel's Eye # 5- 8 The Man Who Liked Lions # 5- 9 The Better Mousetrap # 5-10 Little Girl Lost # 5-11 Paper Chase # 5-12 Locate and Destroy # 5-13 Flight Plan # 5-14 Escape Route # 5-15 The Persistent Patriots # 5-16 The Fast Women # 5-17 The Death Game # 5-18 The Art Collectors # 5-19 To Kill a Saint # 5-20 The Counterfeit Countess # 5-21 Simon and Delilah # 5-22 Island of Chance # 5-23 The Gadget Lovers # 5-24 A Double in Diamonds # 5-25 The Power Artists # 5-26 When Spring is Sprung . SEASON 6 (1968) colour # 6- 1 The Gadic Collection # 6- 2 The Best Laid Schemes # 6- 3 Invitation to Danger # 6- 4 Legacy for the Saint # 6- 5 The Desperate Diplomat # 6- 6 The Organisation Man # 6- 7 The Double Take # 6- 8 The Time to Die # 6- 9 The Master Plan # 6-10 The House on Dragon's Rock # 6-11 The Scales of Justice # 6-12 The Fiction Makers (1) # 6-13 The Fiction Makers (2) # 6-14 The People Importers # 6-15 Where the Money Is # 6-16 Vendetta for the Saint (1) # 6-17 Vendetta for the Saint (2) # 6-18 The Ex-King of Diamonds # 6-19 The Man Who Gambled with Life # 6-20 Portrait of Brenda # 6-21 The World Beater
杰贝兹(亚历克·鲍德温 Alec Baldwin 饰)是一名男装推销员,在艰难维生的同时亦没有放弃成为作家的梦想。可是,上帝似乎无意眷顾这个努力的可怜人,他不仅因为种种意外而丢掉了工作,呕心沥血撰写的手稿也遭到了出版商丹尼尔(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)的否定,更糟糕的是,他的好友朱利叶斯(丹·艾克罗伊德 Dan Aykroyd 饰)刚刚签下了高达19万美元的出版合同。 垂头丧气的杰贝兹失去了一切,只剩一台破旧的打字机,他负气将打字机扔出窗外,却好巧不巧砸中了一个路过的老妇人,他的正常生活眼看着就要走到尽头,就在此时,杰贝兹的眼前出现了一位红发女子(詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 饰),这位撒旦的化身答应帮助杰贝兹实现愿望,但要他拿自己的灵魂做交换。
郊外的一所大房子里,单身妈妈麦迪逊·海勒(艾丽·拉特 Ali Larter 饰)独自带着一双儿女雅各布(麦克斯·罗斯 Max Rose 饰)和海莉(科洛·佩林 Chloe Perrin 饰)过活。但是最近一段时间她饱受惊吓,因为在寂静的夜里,她和孩子们都曾目睹一个可怕的怪物在房间内出现。恐怖事件愈演愈烈,孩子们的身心受到极大创伤,海勒家的生活乱作一团。期间她也曾找过相关组织调查,但对方被吓得落荒而逃。在绝望的时刻,她只能选择相信男朋友尼古拉(阿俊·古普塔 Arjun Gupta 饰)。 尼古拉利用高精尖的仪器调查,不曾想居然将怪物的实体召唤出来。海勒一家的噩梦远远没有结束,她们不得已被困在这个熟悉而又恐怖的家中……
该影片是由导演詹姆斯·昆德导演的一部关于人生和现代都市生活的电影。 正如影片名所说,主人公瑞恩就是一个生活在两个世界中的人。一方面是自己梦寐以求的纸醉金迷的生活,另一方面是踏实简单的现实生活。影片通过两种生活方式的矛盾冲突和对比,来突出人物内心的挣扎和矛盾。
老富翁爱德华•科尔(杰克•尼克尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)近年来在公立医院的私有化改造事业中获利颇丰,他为节省成本,规定病房“一房两床”的做法颇受非议,但性格强势的科尔不以为意,岂料他不久被检查出罹患癌症,本欲入住单人病房的科尔在舆论压力下只得与另一位病人——老卡特(摩根•弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)同处一室。汽车修理技师老卡特博闻强识,将三个子女培养成才,但代价是牺牲了年轻时要做历史教授的梦想。曾经结婚多次如今却孤身一人的科尔逐渐对卡特产生了兴趣,两位老人在病房中结下了友谊。科尔偶然发现了卡特的“遗愿清单”,他决定运用自己的力量,让那些纸面上的疯狂构想一一实现,去发现人生的真正意义……©豆瓣
Plus sized and 30 years old, LEXIE IVY is a feisty Bed and Breakfast owner who desperately needs a date to her sisters wedding. In small town Nova Scotia, thats no easy task, especially when the most eligible bachelor is JOSS, the rough handyman fixing her roof. When ADRIAN, a handsome and charming guest, arrives and seems to take an interest in Lexie, she thinks all her problems are solved. But she misreads the situation and is soon reeling, believing her romantic dream has slipped away, maybe forever. After a series of hilarious mishaps and a reality check or two, Lexie opens her heart and eyes to see that love may be a lot closer than she thought.
贝诗(Kathleen Robertson)是个单亲妈妈,与必须以轮椅代步的儿子北京住在高速公路旁。在贝诗开朗的外表下,绝望的念头越来越重。而黛安娜(Andrea Roth)育有两女,在广告公司拥有极成功的事业。她的生活目的在让全家人快乐,唯一的焦虑是超越上司的光芒。在艳阳高张的夏日郊区,这两个女人的生命产生了莫名的交迭与碰撞。当警察赶去救援,倒叙的两条线逐渐拼凑出这件悲剧发生的真相…这部戏里,你可以看到两个故事,两个人的生活其实是平行的、现实上是无交集的。一个是商场上的女强人,一个是社会边缘弱势的单亲妈妈,因为早上一个超车事件,成了事件的导火线。这个单亲妈妈失去了工作、孩子、甚至是生命....对照了另一个升等、充满希望的女人,故事有点悲哀。这部片子充分展现了现代都会妇女面对的现况,我们看到了女人对于工作、对于家庭,不惜代价全心付出的拼劲。影片介绍说是一部惊悚片,是有点夸张了,不过片子给人的气氛,的确让人感受到都市生活原原本本的无情、现实和莫名且庞大压力。这种压力比惊悚片更让人神经紧绷,"时间"是这个片子两个主角争取机会的钥匙,失去时间的人,结果就是输家,命运是很惨酷的。就是有人总是抢不到车道错过了交流道出口、抢不到车位、遇到交通管制、道路施工、错失了快递.........最后竟早到达人生的终点。这不是一部看了会好心情的电影,不过,你可以了解强者生存的真实人生,你准备下交流道了吗? 你只有一次机会,千万别错过了出口。
玛丽萨六年之后苏醒过来,却丧失了车祸前的记忆。发现腹部有一个神秘的疤痕,记忆的碎片在眼前闪现。在诺瓦克医生与母亲萝丝的帮助下,记忆成片段地重现在脑海中,却无法找寻其间的逻辑。当她好不容易有点想法的时候,她的主治医生别人杀了。 就在一筹莫展之时,新闻记者伊桑的出现帮助玛丽萨发现了事情的真相,带她突破重重谎言,找寻隐藏在背后的真相...玛丽萨想起来六年前那个夜晚发生的事,那天晚上她发现了自己的爱人也就是即将竞选参议员的卡尔和自己最好的朋友希瑟有了奸情,并且她怀孕了,那天晚上玛丽萨就是希瑟不小心撞到的。玛丽萨受了很重的伤,于是那天就把孩子剖腹了。恰巧希瑟的孩子也出生了,可是却是一个死胎,后来就把玛丽萨的孩子收养了,就是艾比。最后伊森利用媒体把希瑟的阴谋公诸于世,而玛丽萨找回了艾比,并且答应和伊森当搭档,最后在一起了。
上世纪九十年代,南非约翰内斯堡的Hillbrow区。拉奇·库内内(瑞普拉纳·赛斐默 Rapulana Seiphemo饰),一位来自南非身无分文的街头混混。出身于贫民窟的拉奇从小就目睹着南非人民遭受的苦难,便立志要逃离这样的窘困之境,改变这一切。于是他从街头的小偷小摸开始起家,在经历了无数的枪战、血腥和暴力之后,成长为约翰内斯堡地区的黑帮老大。然而此时的拉奇正一步步走向罪恶的深渊,他所创建的帝国、他所拥有的生活,终将倒塌。