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这部古巴恐怖电影已经被加拿大的蒙特利尔电影节和伦敦电影节拒绝并且被全球禁止公映,在2011年3月在比利时首都布鲁塞尔奇幻电影节上首次展映.片子的英文名字应该叫Ferozz: The Wild Riding Hood,里面Ferozz就是导演的名字,我理解就是Ferozz:荒野小红帽。。。。。不要以为它会像童话故事里面那么童真,实际上这部片子可以说超越了人类的伦理界限。这是古巴导演兼教授 Jorge Molina 乔治 莫利纳的处女作,可以说他让人听了不知道是谁但是你看了这部片子就会想要对他了解更多的导演。这部片子一定是你能看到的最古怪的片子,充满了哑剧般夸张过火的表演,让人不安的性描写(人类难以想象的姓行为),各种复杂的象征意义的内容,糅杂了大量想要表达的信息,大胆的构图画面(我觉得导演很喜欢弗洛伊德的油画,里面有大量的困惑让人不安的对人类内心世界的...
这部古巴恐怖电影已经被加拿大的蒙特利尔电影节和伦敦电影节拒绝并且被全球禁止公映,在2011年3月在比利时首都布鲁塞尔奇幻电影节上首次展映.片子的英文名字应该叫Ferozz: The Wild Riding Hood,里面Ferozz就是导演的名字,我理解就是Ferozz:荒野小红帽。。。。。不要以为它会像童话故事里面那么童真,实际上这部片子可以说超越了人类的伦理界限。这是古巴导演兼教授 Jorge Molina 乔治 莫利纳的处女作,可以说他让人听了不知道是谁但是你看了这部片子就会想要对他了解更多的导演。这部片子一定是你能看到的最古怪的片子,充满了哑剧般夸张过火的表演,让人不安的性描写(人类难以想象的姓行为),各种复杂的象征意义的内容,糅杂了大量想要表达的信息,大胆的构图画面(我觉得导演很喜欢弗洛伊德的油画,里面有大量的困惑让人不安的对人类内心世界的描写)。
During a bank holdup, a teenaged boy and girl (Karl Wagner and Marianne Svendsen) are taken hostage by the robbers. After a very pleasant captivity, during which they play Monopoly with their captors, they escape into the countryside. The two consummate their first love and have a number of delightful adventures but eventually must return to their everyday lives.
A Venetian musician at La Fenice theatre is affected by an incurable disease. By chance he meets his ex-wife who is now living with another man. She finally realizes that she is still in love with him.One of the most romantic films ever made and that still bears the pass of time despite some camera cliches of the 70's. Venice at its best is the setting for a poignant story of l...
Daisy is the all-American girl next door with a hunger for true love and an appetite for murder. Then one day Daisy meets the man of her dreams, only to discover that his own lust for killing might make her his next victim.