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故事讲述了兄弟间的羁绊,并诠释了忠诚的含义,描绘了美国和墨西哥边境的帮派暴力生活。年轻的Buddy Heckum在射击训练场亲眼目睹了身为警察的父亲被黑帮成员暗杀,父亲就躺在他的脚边,此时他的心中已经燃起复仇的火焰,之后不久就手刃了仇人。失去父亲的Buddy Heckum不仅没有消沉下去,还主动担负起照顾年幼的弟弟Jacob Heckum的责任,让弟弟可以安心学习小提琴的演奏。成年后的弟弟Jacob Heckum(安东·尤金 饰)回到了出生的小镇,也再次见到了他的哥哥Buddy Heckum(克里斯·马奎特 饰),可是原本他熟悉的生活早已面目全非……
薇卡(苏菲•玛索 饰)是个13岁的女孩,不同于班上的其他同学父母离异的状况,她拥有一个完整的家庭,虽然她总是觉得被母亲忽略,伴随青春期到来的,除却敏感的对父母之爱的需要,还有对异性情感的渴望。然而,父母的感情出现了裂痕,母亲与薇卡的德语老师燃起了爱火花;而在舞会上认识的拉乌尔,让她感受到初恋的美好同时也领会了爱情的伤害。
准备迎接新生命的孕妇莎拉(瑞秋妮可丝 饰),遇上一场无情的车祸,不仅失去挚爱的老公,车祸也夺走了她的听觉。绝望之际,为了肚裡小孩,她选择重新振作、独自回到郊区的宁静小屋生活,就在日子渐渐恢复平静时,意想不到的厄运却突然在圣诞夜来袭!一名不速之客(萝拉贺林 饰)强行闯入,并趁着莎拉来不及防备时,将她迷昏。但诡异的是,这名抢匪的目标不是任何财物,而是莎拉肚裡的婴儿!这一个漫长的夜晚,一宗骇人的劫孕事件,一个没有出路的密室……孤立无援的莎拉要如何逃出这个人间炼狱?
My Name is Simon,Simon Templar The Saint was a long-running ITC mystery spy thriller, airing in Britain on ITV between 1962 and 1969. It centered on the Leslie Charteris literary character, Simon Templar—a Robin Hood-like adventurer with a penchant for disguise. Because of the strong American performance of the initial black-and-white seasons in first-run syndication, NBC picked up the show as a summer replacement on its evening schedule in 1966. Thus, the programme ended its run with both trans-Atlantic prime time scheduling and colour episodes. It also proved popular beyond America and Britain, eventually premiering in over 60 countries. With almost 120 episodes, the programme is exceeded only by The Avengers as the most productive show of its genre produced in Britain. SEASON 1 (1962) B/W # 1- 1 The Talented Husband # 1- 2 The Latin Touch # 1- 3 The Careful Terrorist # 1- 4 The Covetous Headsman # 1- 5 The Loaded Tourist # 1- 6 The Pearls of Peace # 1- 7 The Arrow of God # 1- 8 The Element of Doubt # 1- 9 The Effete Angler # 1-10 The Golden Journey # 1-11 The Man Who Was Lucky # 1-12 The Charitable Countess . SEASON 2 (1963) B/W # 2- 1 The Fellow Traveller # 2- 2 Starring the Saint # 2- 3 Judith # 2- 4 Teresa # 2- 5 The Elusive Ellshaw # 2- 6 Marcia # 2- 7 The Work of Art # 2- 8 Iris # 2- 9 The King of the Beggars # 2-10 The Rough Diamonds # 2-11 The Saint Plays With Fire # 2-12 The Well Meaning Mayor # 2-13 The Sporting Chance # 2-14 The Bunco Artists # 2-15 The Benevolent Burglary # 2-16 The Wonderful War # 2-17 The Noble Sportsman # 2-18 The Romantic Matron # 2-19 Luella # 2-20 The Lawless Lady # 2-21 The Good Medicine # 2-22 The Invisible Millionaire # 2-23 The High Fence # 2-24 Sophia # 2-25 The Gentle Ladies # 2-26 The Ever-Loving Spouse # 2-27 The Saint Sees it through . SEASON 3 (1964) B/W # 3- 1 The Miracle Tea Party # 3- 2 Lida # 3- 3 Jeannine # 3- 4 The Scorpion # 3- 5 The Revolution Racket # 3- 6 The Saint Steps In # 3- 7 The Loving Brothers # 3- 8 The Man Who Liked Toys # 3- 9 The Death Penalty # 3-10 The Imprudent Politician # 3-11 The Hi-Jackers # 3-12 The Unkind Philanthropist # 3-13 The Damsel in Distress # 3-14 The Contract # 3-15 The Set-Up # 3-16 The Rhine Maiden # 3-17 The Inescapable Word # 3-18 The Sign of the Claw # 3-19 The Golden Frog # 3-20 The Frightened Inn-Keeper # 3-21 Sibao # 3-22 The Crime of the Century # 3-23 The Happy Suicide . SEASON 4 (1965) B/W # 4- 1 The Checkered Flag # 4- 2 The Abductors # 4- 3 The Crooked Ring # 4- 4 The Smart Detective # 4- 5 The Persistent Parasites # 4- 6 The Man Who Could Not Die # 4- 7 The Saint Bids Diamonds # 4- 8 The Spanish Cow # 4- 9 The Old Treasure Story . SEASON 5 (1966) colour # 5- 1 The Queen's Ransom # 5- 2 Interlude in Venice # 5- 3 The Russian Prisoner # 5- 4 The Reluctant Revolution # 5- 5 The Helpful Pirate # 5- 6 The Convenient Monster # 5- 7 The Angel's Eye # 5- 8 The Man Who Liked Lions # 5- 9 The Better Mousetrap # 5-10 Little Girl Lost # 5-11 Paper Chase # 5-12 Locate and Destroy # 5-13 Flight Plan # 5-14 Escape Route # 5-15 The Persistent Patriots # 5-16 The Fast Women # 5-17 The Death Game # 5-18 The Art Collectors # 5-19 To Kill a Saint # 5-20 The Counterfeit Countess # 5-21 Simon and Delilah # 5-22 Island of Chance # 5-23 The Gadget Lovers # 5-24 A Double in Diamonds # 5-25 The Power Artists # 5-26 When Spring is Sprung . SEASON 6 (1968) colour # 6- 1 The Gadic Collection # 6- 2 The Best Laid Schemes # 6- 3 Invitation to Danger # 6- 4 Legacy for the Saint # 6- 5 The Desperate Diplomat # 6- 6 The Organisation Man # 6- 7 The Double Take # 6- 8 The Time to Die # 6- 9 The Master Plan # 6-10 The House on Dragon's Rock # 6-11 The Scales of Justice # 6-12 The Fiction Makers (1) # 6-13 The Fiction Makers (2) # 6-14 The People Importers # 6-15 Where the Money Is # 6-16 Vendetta for the Saint (1) # 6-17 Vendetta for the Saint (2) # 6-18 The Ex-King of Diamonds # 6-19 The Man Who Gambled with Life # 6-20 Portrait of Brenda # 6-21 The World Beater
珍妮(苏菲•玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)是居住在法国的一名美女作家,她和丈夫迪奥(Andrea Di Stefano 饰)共同经营一个幸福美满的四口之家。但是近一段时间,珍妮却感到令人难以承受的压力。客户的要求让她无法随心所欲写作,渐渐地珍妮发现周遭的一切开始发生变化,房间、丈夫、儿女甚至她自己的容貌都让人倍感陌生。珍妮的歇斯底里使家中的欢乐荡然无存,她和丈夫的婚姻也走到尽头。 某天,珍妮的容貌也完全发生改变,变成了一个拥有一头黑发、大眼明眸的异域风情女子(莫妮卡•贝鲁奇 Monica Bellucci 饰)。她偶然在母亲的住所看到一张相片,于是启程前往意大利,寻找自己真正的本源归宿……
卢米斯(米洛·文堤米利亚 Milo Ventimiglia 饰)、雷克斯(Billy Slaughter 饰)、莎拉(Nicole Oppermann 饰)三个年轻人偶然得到一款名为《生存》的游戏,该游戏以15世纪欧洲臭名昭著的“血腥贵妇”伊丽莎白·巴瑟(Elizabeth Bathory)为蓝本,其制作精良,惊悚非常。在试玩过程中,奇怪的声响和事情接连出现,三人更先后离奇死亡。 葬礼后,卢米斯的妹妹艾玛将《生存》游戏交给哥哥生前最好的朋友霍奇(约翰·福斯特 Jon Foster 饰)。霍奇聚集一种电玩好友,一同体验这款卢米斯最后玩过的游戏。随着游戏的进行,霍奇等人发现这是一款真正的死亡游戏,所有的参与者都面临着死亡的结局。而他们已经身陷其中,无法逃离了……
诺拉(Mira Bartuschek 饰)是一个普通的不能再普通的女孩,似乎所有的浪漫故事都和她无缘。在广告公司里,诺拉只是一个名不见经传的小小实习生,职业道路黯淡无光。一天,诺拉的表姐艾米丽突然拜访,希望能够在诺拉家接住,艾米丽的职业非常的奇怪,她是一个职业约会员,她的到来替诺拉打开了新世界的大门。 在一场重要的约会前夕,艾米丽竟然因为食物中毒而卧床不起,无奈之下,她只得委托诺拉代替自己去约会。这次的约会对象是一个名叫马克思(亚历山大·库昂 Alexander Khuon 饰)的英俊富豪,让诺拉没有想到的是,马克思竟然对自己一见钟情。