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A young man is temporarily home from a Seminary, but eventually falls in love with his father's young new wife.
The story revolves around MINTY, a youthful, raven haired, punk rock, feminist, female super heroine, that gets her super powers from eating chocolate, which is a good source of antioxidants. One day Minty's agent, BIG BOSS, an older and honorable gentlemen, is taken hostage by DOCTOR BRAIN BENDER, the evil mastermind. Minty then fights her way up various perverse floors of Doc...
The story revolves around MINTY, a youthful, raven haired, punk rock, feminist, female super heroine, that gets her super powers from eating chocolate, which is a good source of antioxidants. One day Minty's agent, BIG BOSS, an older and honorable gentlemen, is taken hostage by DOCTOR BRAIN BENDER, the evil mastermind. Minty then fights her way up various perverse floors of Doctor Brain Bender's paranormal building to defeat several unusual villains: CAPTAIN CAPABILITY, a freak of nature; SENSATIONAL NINJA, an effeminate assassin; RAT MONSTER, a depressed mutant; BRUCE ZEE, a psycho martial artist; MOLLY LEVIATHAN, a sensual super vixen; ZEN COWBOY, a blindfolded gunslinger; and DOUBLE DELICIOUS, an intellectual lesbian vampire. Along this wild odyssey, Minty educates her adversaries on the fascinating world of natural science and then uses her beauty, her brains, and pure brutality to demonstrate the biological theory of the survival of the fittest. Minty: The Assassin is an artsy indie film that honors the wonderful B-movies that pushed the boundaries of American cinema. It pays homage to the underrated. The film respects the soul of what makes B-movies entertaining. Instead of being restricted by a convoluted storyline, Minty: The Assassin focuses on characters -- outrageous personalities that say and do some really unconventional things.
20世纪50年代,小男孩英格玛(Anton Glanzelius 饰)和体弱多病的妈妈(Anki Lidén 饰)、经常欺负自己的哥哥以及心爱的小狗,住在瑞典某个平静的小镇上。他的父亲离家而去,母亲又长年为疾病所困扰。两个小男孩根本不能融洽相处,经常在家里打得沸反盈天。 不堪其扰的母亲决定将他们分别送到亲戚家寄养。如小狗一样被赶出家的英格玛,却由此见到了另一片广阔的天空……
米歇尔(让·雨果·安格拉德 Jean-Hugues Anglade 饰)是一名心理医生,一天,一个名叫奥佳(伊莲娜·德·芙吉霍尔 Hélène de Fougerolles 饰)的女病人出现在他的面前。奥佳是嫁入豪门的阔太太,却有着偷窃的癖好,并且对于性展现出了自己独特的个人喜好。