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剧情围绕着男孩尼可(大卫·索兰斯 饰)的生活展开。尼可有着超乎常人的智力,他只对一件事情感兴趣,那就是下棋。卡洛斯(何塞·卡罗纳多 饰演)与科拉尔(玛利亚·莫林斯 饰演)是尼可的父母,他们看上去对儿子的反常举动担心不已。卡洛斯决定聘请一位儿童心理学家来帮助尼可。胡里奥·巴尔特兰(胡里奥·曼里克 饰演)通过下棋和尼可进行交流,他渐渐地潜入了这名男孩黑暗的内心世界,并且发现尼可的家庭关系并不像表面上那样简单。现在,留给他阻止邪恶彻底毁掉这个男孩的时间并不多了……
武师陈厚德(元华 饰)远赴美国开设宝芝林,时常召唤国内的徒弟阿杰(李连杰 饰)来美国帮衬,但阿杰担忧在美的居留问题,迟迟未到。陈厚德曾经收下一名美国弟子尊尼(杰瑞•特林伯 饰),尊尼学成后却挑战师傅,意欲扬名立万扩张自己的武馆,陈厚德被尊尼打成重伤,宝芝林也被砸烂,幸好有少女安娜路过,将陈厚德救走。几乎同时,阿杰终于来美探望师傅,岂料一出机场便遭遇各种麻烦,先是莫名其妙收下三名落魄墨西哥少年为弟子,又与查封宝芝林的银行地产部经理阿美(郭锦恩 饰)不吵不相识。阿杰因语言不通,守候宝芝林寻找师傅下落,而尊尼也在四处打探陈厚德的去向,一中一外两名弟子,将为义与利的不同追求狭路相逢……
A young woman is found unconscious in a city street - claims to be another person who was brutally murdered two months earlier - escapes from a psychiatric hospital in order to prove her identity and find the truth about her life, her death, and her murderer.
Back in the mid 1900's Mexico was proud to have more world boxing champions in the small categories, than any other Country. Boxing was perhaps one of the few opportunities where a typical low income Mexican(75% of the population)could have success in life. Kids started boxing in their ghettos, a few of them made it to the Pro's and an even fewer amount got to be famous and earn good money from it. Those that got to the top soon found out that suddenly they had a great amount of people that surrounded them and helped them spend their money. But immersed in their new life styles they could never leave their origins and find a better future for them. This is what "Campeon sin Corona" tries to convey; a boxer that even when he has succeeded can not live up to his new status and prefers to be the same loser he was in his earlier years. There may not be in the Mexican Movies Industry a picture that better displays the way of thinking and acting of the vast majority of Mexicans of the 20th Century.
武师陈厚德(元华 饰)远赴美国开设宝芝林,时常召唤国内的徒弟阿杰(李连杰 饰)来美国帮衬,但阿杰担忧在美的居留问题,迟迟未到。陈厚德曾经收下一名美国弟子尊尼(杰瑞•特林伯 饰),尊尼学成后却挑战师傅,意欲扬名立万扩张自己的武馆,陈厚德被尊尼打成重伤,宝芝林也被砸烂,幸好有少女安娜路过,将陈厚德救走。几乎同时,阿杰终于来美探望师傅,岂料一出机场便遭遇各种麻烦,先是莫名其妙收下三名落魄墨西哥少年为弟子,又与查封宝芝林的银行地产部经理阿美(郭锦恩 饰)不吵不相识。阿杰因语言不通,守候宝芝林寻找师傅下落,而尊尼也在四处打探陈厚德的去向,一中一外两名弟子,将为义与利的不同追求狭路相逢……