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宫泽罗(马诺洛·卡尔多纳 饰)热爱绘画,对家族工厂的经营毫无兴趣,他生性不羁,不喜欢受束缚。他的哥哥伊那里奥(克里斯蒂安·梅埃尔 饰)一人打理着父亲留下的工厂,对弟弟置之事外的态度颇有微词。伊那里奥的漂亮妻子佐伊(芭芭拉·默瑞 饰)难以忍受 他的刻板和忽视,渐渐地被宫泽罗的性情和才华所吸引,两人逐渐发展出不伦之恋。佐伊的男闺蜜波里斯是个同性恋,他怂恿鼓励佐伊的做法。伊那里奥和妻子无法生育,而有一天佐伊却发现自己怀孕了,当她把消息告诉宫泽罗时,他却摆出了无情的嘴脸。最后伊那里奥原谅并接受了佐伊的事情,但却告诉了她一个长久以来的秘密......
Evdokia (Greek: Ευδοκία) is one of the most important works of Greek cinema. Evdokia is a drama of passion whose main characters are a sergeant and a prostitute who get married after a brief passionate idyll. Very soon, however, the influence of their environment strains their relationship, and the man tries to break away, but without success. The pair are surrounded by harsh l...
Evdokia (Greek: Ευδοκία) is one of the most important works of Greek cinema. Evdokia is a drama of passion whose main characters are a sergeant and a prostitute who get married after a brief passionate idyll. Very soon, however, the influence of their environment strains their relationship, and the man tries to break away, but without success. The pair are surrounded by harsh light, the rock, the bare landscapes and the military exercises, on the one hand, sensuality and constrictions, on the other. Because of her occupation, Evdokia both attracts and repels the sergeant. The petit bourgeois environment, the lumpen elements, the social fringes and petty interests stifle the young couple, which appears to want to rebel, but doesn't succeed.
In order to escape from her former lover Marc, Sylvia goes to Brazil where Dr. Santamo transforms her into the beautiful Emmanuelle. With this new identity comes a sexual awakening which is complicated by her memories of Marc. As with other entries in this series, the plot twists provide ample opportunities to expose the characters.
Tom of Finland 的同志情色插画,相信不少人都欣赏过。硕大的肌肉、壮阔的广膊、下体大大的一包,连黑色的皮裤都遮盖不住。电单车、制服、一组组激情动作连环图,教一代代同志血脉沸腾。这是 Tom of Finland 的 传记故事。他本来是一名军官,二次大战时为国家拼死奋战。战后回到芬兰,却因为同志的身份,处处受到歧视和打压,只好寄情艺术,画下一幅幅解放性爱的情色插画,影响力冲出国际,推动了一代同志的性解放,忠于自己,悍卫同志的权利。