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温布尔登是英国有名的网球公开赛,这里的选手呈现着网球的最高水平和精彩战况,是网球选手施展拳脚的绝佳舞台。梦想着在温布尔登实现网球事业巅峰的,还有片中的男主角彼特(保罗·贝坦尼 Paul Bettany饰)。无奈温布尔登的辉煌不是轻而易举就能收归囊下,他像无数怀揣着梦想来到这里的选手那样,终究要黯淡离去,现在他正准备作收山一战,怎料事情来了个峰回路转。
Toni Zweyer过着自己想要的生活。她是卡车司机Andy的贤妻,13岁孩子Lea的慈母,和丈夫共同经营自己家的货运生意。但当得知丈夫Andy死于车祸时,一切都改变了。公司债务日益沉重,她与孩子已别无他路,Toni只能自己握住了18吨卡车的方向盘。她很快意识到,跑国际长途货运对一个新手来说,是多么的残酷艰难。Toni一直觉得他的丈夫尚存人间,随着调查愈加深入,她便愈加确信这一点。她从一个声名狼藉的商人那得知了真相,但这个真相让她被劫持、被绑架,目睹军火走私,走上了被警察追缉的逃亡之路。这可能不是她想要的生活,但Toni永远不会放弃抗争。
On 21. September 2013, telecommunications satellite APV-1312 belonging to French media group CanalDouble crashes into the Brandenburg Gate, cutting a trail of destruction as far as the Reichstag. 56 delegates die. Thirteen minutes later, all around the world more and more satellites plummet to earth. Communications, as we have known them, are collapsing everywhere. West of Gene...
On 21. September 2013, telecommunications satellite APV-1312 belonging to French media group CanalDouble crashes into the Brandenburg Gate, cutting a trail of destruction as far as the Reichstag. 56 delegates die. Thirteen minutes later, all around the world more and more satellites plummet to earth. Communications, as we have known them, are collapsing everywhere. West of Geneva. At the largest research laboratory in the world, with a budget of one billion dollars, an experiment has failed that is going to throw the whole world off its hinges. Scientists from 80 nations have simulated the Big Bang with the so-called 'God Machine', the world's greatest particle accelerator, and thereby created a Black Hole. Reaching Geneva turns into a tour de force for our heroes, through a country that like its neighbors is in a state of total emergency, but equally into a time of human encounters. A time, where courage overcomes the fear and human beings do not shut themselves off but take decisive action. A time, where the end is a beginning, and where two brothers become soul mates again. A time, where weakness turns into strength and individuals are unified into a single nation. A time, where despair turns into hope, and loneliness into the love of a lifetime. A time, where one look says more than a thousand words, and even the smallest individuals become giants. Europe's darkest hour turns into a time of patriotic heroes. Heroes just like you and me...
本片故事取材于1984年加拿大家喻户晓的经典电影《La Guerre des Tuques(阻止战争的狗)》,本片在30年前上映时曾轰动一时,在全球超过125个国家上映,获得18种全球奖项。《冰雪大作战》还是首部引入中国的加拿大动画片,同时也是2015年加拿大本土制作的 电影票房冠军。
月球最高监狱,穷凶极恶的伯格罗多星人鲍里斯(杰梅奈·克莱门特 Jemaine Clement 饰)越狱逃亡。他在1969年犯下邪恶罪行,最终被年轻的K(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰) 砍掉一只手臂,送入监狱。此次他逃脱的目的,就是穿越时空杀死K。与此同时,J (威尔·史密斯 Will Smith 饰)和K(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)一如既往处理各种外星人引起的混乱,因对鲍里斯的案件三缄其口,两个好搭档心生隔阂。
月球最高监狱,穷凶极恶的伯格罗多星人鲍里斯(杰梅奈·克莱门特 Jemaine Clement 饰)越狱逃亡。他在1969年犯下邪恶罪行,最终被年轻的K(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰) 砍掉一只手臂,送入监狱。此次他逃脱的目的,就是穿越时空杀死K。与此同时,J (威尔·史密斯 Will Smith 饰)和K(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)一如既往处理各种外星人引起的混乱,因对鲍里斯的案件三缄其口,两个好搭档心生隔阂。
霍金(埃迪·雷德梅恩 Eddie Redmayne 饰)和简(菲丽希缇·琼斯 Felicity Jones 饰)相识于一场舞会上,两人初次见面交谈甚欢,颇有一番相见恨晚的意味。之后,霍金大胆的邀请简参加舞会,二人以此为契机,陷入了热恋之中。